Download & Install Python 3.6 64-bit (Make sure you add it to PATH)
Download & install Wireshark (Make sure Tshark and WinPcap are installed aswell)
Download & Install (Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017)
Clone this repository to desired location
Open CMD
'cd' to repository location
use the following line in CMD to install the necessary requirements "pip install -r requirements.txt"
Open CMD
'cd' to repository location
Input number between 1-7, depending on what you would like to do
This is a basic packet sniffer
From the list, input the name of the inetrface you wish to sniff Packet information should now be seen
ctrl + c to cancel
This is used to create a dataset to train and test an ANN.
From the list, input the name of the inetrface you wish to gather data from
ctrl + c to cancel
Creates and trains an ANN from a dataset
input name of the CSV dataset file you wish to use If you want to load a previous model, input 'y' and then input the name of the model Else just hit Enter Depending on model topology and the size of the dataset, the process may take a while Once finished, input 'y' to see the Weights and intercepts of the model after training input 'y' again to save the model (Must end in '.sav')
Allows for viewing the data within a dataset
input name of CSV Dataset you wish to view input 'a' to see All, 'n' to see just the numerical data, 'c' to see just categorical data
Uses a trained ANN to detect DDoS Attacks
From the list, input the name of the inetrface you wish to detect DDoS attacks on input the filename of a trained model This will continuously run until either stopped or an attack is detected
Shows a visual representation of what an ANN model looks like (Can be changed in code, currently displays an input layer of 8, 2 hidden layers of 100 and an output layer of 1.