Ansible driven configuration automation for:
- macOS
Initial inspiration for the macOS setup from Superlumic but went with a more purer Ansible driven setup similar to geerlingguy/mac-dev-playbook.
- Install Ansible
- clone this repo
- run
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --force
For the MacBook Pro laptops, use one of the following commands:
- run
ansible-playbook playbooks/mac-personal/main.yml -K
- run
ansible-playbook playbooks/mac-work/main.yml -K
For the PiKVM, use the following command:
- run
ansible-playbook playbooks/pikvm/main.yml --extra-vars @secrets.yml
The secrets.yml
file contains a DNSimple API token created on the DNSimple portal.
The ssh keys can be found in 1Password.
The following parts need conversion into Ansible roles & tasks, but are documented here in the meantime.
After the Ansible setup, the PiKVM has the Certbot DNSimple plugin installed, together with the config file containing a DNSimple API token. The following commands are a one time setup required to get the certificate generated and renewed automatically:
$ rw
$ kvmd-certbot certonly --dns-dnsimple --dns-dnsimple-credentials /var/lib/kvmd/pst/data/certbot/runroot/certbot-dnsimple.conf -d --email [email protected] -n --agree-tos
$ kvmd-certbot install_nginx
$ kvmd-certbot install_vnc
$ systemctl enable --now kvmd-certbot.timer
$ ro