Simple HTML Template Language We are not trying to create new XML Language but extend the HTML to specific use case
<include src="<path to html file>" />
Content of the file will replace <include ... /> tag If there are tabs/spaces before included tag. Every line of 'content' will be prefixed by same spaces/tabs
There are 2 exposed executable
./node_modules/.bin/sht-cli ./html
./node_modules/.bin/sht-cli-watch ./html
"scripts": {
"compile-template": "sht-cli ./html",
"watch-template": "sht-cli-watch ./html"
npx sht-cli-watch ./html
To customise output of the compilation, please place sht.config.json inside the template folder (such as "./html")
Please take a look at example/html/sht.config.json for example
Default configuration:
{ "outDir": "./compiled", "ignores": [/^partial$/, /^compiled$/, /\.compiled\.html$/], "include": /\.html$/, }
#Why I made this
This is simple, just do one job and try to do good: reuse html partials
This especially useful for who do the Slicing PSD to HTML Jobs
After all, there is no abnormal syntax that broke your html file. Just pure HTML with a little bit automation to connect partials together.
node ./lib/cli.js ./example/html/
npm test
npm run test-dev
npm run coverage