Simple splay tree implementation with fast k-order statistics
- insert (key). Add new Node to tree by key. If Node with such key already exists — doesn't do anything
- erase (key). Erase Node from tree by key. If Node with such key doesn't exists — doesn't do anything
- exists (key). Returns true if Node with argument key exists in tree. Else returns false
- next (key). Returns minimum Node with key > argument key. If no such Node — returns nullptr
- prev (key). Returns maximum Node with key < argument key. If no such Node — returns nullptr
- find_by_order (order). Returns Node by order. If order > size of tree — return nullptr
- find_by_key (key). Finds and returns Node by key. If Node with such key doesn't exists — returns nullptr
- size(). Returns size of the tree
All operations complexity: O(log n). Size operation complexity: O(1)
- iterators