JCL is a light-weight object-oriented library for working with HTML5 canvas elements.
The library is available as a global name-spaced variable, and a Require.js compatible module.
Version 1.1.4
- Minified (as AMD module) - 12kb
- Source (as AMD module) - 24kb
After downloading and including the JCL script on your page, you can instantiate a canvas object and begin drawing.
// Instantiate a new Circle class.
var circle = new JCL.Circle({
x: 50,
y: 50,
radius: 10,
fill: '#ccc',
stroke: '#000',
thickness: 3
// Instantiate the Canvas class and draw the circle.
var canvas = new JCL.Canvas('myCanvasId').drawCircle(circle);
Creates a new JCL.Canvas instance based on a canvas element.
var canvas = new JCL.Canvas('myCanvasId');
- id (string|element) - The element ID or reference to the canvas element.
- options (object) - Optional parameters.
- width (number) - Set the element's width.
- height (number) - Sets the element's height.
- zindex (number) - Sets the element's z-index.
- enabled (boolean) - If the canvas object is valid and able to draw.
- width (number) - The width of the canvas element.
- height (number) - The height of the canvas element.
Draws the specified object on the canvas.
var circle = new JCL.Circle({
center: new JCL.Point(50,50),
radius: 5,
fill: 'red'
var canvas = new JCL.Canvas('myCanvasId').draw(circle);
JCL.Canvas.drawPath(path, stroke, thickness)
Draws a line connecting the points in the given path array.
var path = [
new JCL.Point(0,0),
new JCL.Point(5,10),
new JCL.Point(15,5),
new JCL.Point(20,10),
new JCL.Point(25,0)
canvas.drawPath(path, '#000', 3);
JCL.Canvas.drawShape(steps, fill, stroke, thickness)
Draws a line connecting the points in the given path array, and fills it.
var path = [
new JCL.Point(0,0),
new JCL.Point(5,10),
new JCL.Point(15,5),
new JCL.Point(20,10),
new JCL.Point(25,0)
canvas.drawShape(path, 'cyan', '#000', 3);
JCL.Canvas.drawHaystack(lines, stroke, thickness)
Efficiently draws a collection of disconnected lines of the same style.
var path = [
[new JCL.Point(0,0), new JCL.Point(20,20)],
[new JCL.Point(10,0), new JCL.Point(10,20)],
[new JCL.Point(20,0), new JCL.Point(0,20)]
canvas.drawHaystack(path, '#000', 2);
Efficiently draws a collection of circles in the same style.
var circles = [
new JCL.Circle(/* options */),
new JCL.Circle(/* options */),
new JCL.Circle(/* options */)
JCL.Canvas.drawText(string, font, position, baseline, align, fill)
Draws text on the canvas.
canvas.drawText('My String', 'sans-serif', new JCL.Point(5,10), 'middle', 'left', '#000');
JCL.Canvas.drawImage(img, x, y, width, height)
Draws an image on the canvas.
var myImg = document.getElementById('myImgElement');
canvas.drawImage(myImg, 10, 10, 300, 200);
JCL.Canvas.drawRemoteImage(url, x, y, width, height)
Loads a remote image and draws it on the canvas.
canvas.drawRemoteImage('http://example.com/image.jpg', 10, 10, 300, 200);
JCL.Canvas.clearRect(x, y, width, height)
Clears part of the canvas.
canvas.clearRect(10, 10, 300, 200);
Clears the entire canvas.
Creates a new JCL.Arc instance. An arc is a circle sliced between two angles.
var arc = new JCL.Arc({
center: { x: 10, y: 50 },
radius: 12,
fill: 'rgba(212,0,0,.75)',
stroke: 'black',
thickness: 2,
start: 0,
end: 90
- options (object) - Optional parameters.
- center (JCL.Point) - A JCL.Point instance indicating the arc's center.
- x (number) - The x coordinate of the arc's center.
- y (number) - The y coordinate of the arc's center.
- radius (number) - The radius of the arc, in pixels.
- fill (string) - The color to fill the arc.
- stroke (string) - The color to stroke the border of the arc.
- thickness (number) - The thickness of the arc's border, in pixels.
- start (number) - The starting angle of the arc, in degrees.
- end (number) - The ending angle of the arc, in degrees.
Draws the arc on the JCL.Canvas.
var canvas = new JCL.Canvas('myCanvasId');
var arc = new JCL.Arc({
center: new JCL.Point(5,10),
radius: 3,
fill: 'red',
start: 0,
end: 45
Creates a new JCL.Circle instance.
var circle = new JCL.Circle({
center: { x: 10, y: 50 },
radius: 12,
fill: 'rgba(212,0,0,.75)',
stroke: 'black',
thickness: 2
- x (number) - The x coordinate of the center corner of the circle, in pixels.
- y (number) - The y coordinate of the center of the circle, in pixels.
- center (JCL.Point) - The JCL.Point representing the center of the circle.
- radius (number) - The radius of the circle, in pixels.
- fill (string) - The color to fill the circle.
- stroke (string) - The color to stroke the border of the circle.
- thickness (number) - The width of the border on the circle.
Draws the circle on the JCL.Canvas.
var canvas = new JCL.Canvas('myCanvasId');
var circle = new JCL.Circle({
center: new JCL.Point(5,10),
radius: 3,
fill: 'red'
Creates a new JCL.Oval instance. It is defined as a rectangle and uses bezier curves to draw.
var oval = new JCL.Oval({
x: 10,
y: 50,
width: 400,
height: 200,
fill: 'rgba(212,0,0,.75)',
stroke: 'black',
thickness: 2
- x (number) - The x coordinate of the center corner of the oval, in pixels.
- y (number) - The y coordinate of the center of the oval, in pixels.
- width (number) - The width of the oval.
- height (number) - The height of the oval.
- fill (string) - The color to fill the oval.
- stroke (string) - The color to stroke the border of the oval.
- thickness (number) - The width of the border on the oval.
Draws the oval on the JCL.Canvas.
var canvas = new JCL.Canvas('myCanvasId');
var oval = new JCL.Oval({
x: 5,
y: 10,
width: 300,
height: 200
fill: 'red'
Stores positioning and style information for a rectangle. The class also contains helper functions for the rectangle, such as specifying a center (pivot) point, and rounding points to the nearest pixel.
var rectangle = new JCL.Rectangle({
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 100,
height: 100,
fill: 'gray',
stroke: 'black',
thickness: 2
- x (number) - The x coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle, in pixels.
- y (number) - The y coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle, in pixels.
- width (number) - The width of the rectangle, in pixels.
- height (number) - The height of the rectangle, in pixels.
- fill (string) - The color to fill the rectangle.
- stroke (string) - The color to stroke the border of the rectangle.
- thickness (number) - The width of the border on the rectangle.
JCL.Rectangle.set(x, y, width, height)
Updates the size of the rectangle.
var rectangle = new JCL.Rectangle({
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 100,
height: 100
}).translate(5, 15, 300, 200);
// rectangle = { x: 5, y: 15, width: 300, height: 200 }
Returns the center of the rectangle.
var center = new JCL.Rectangle({
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 100,
height: 100
// center = { x:50 , y: 50 }
Centers the rectangle on the point.
var rectangle = new JCL.Rectangle({
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 100,
height: 100
}).center(new JCL.Point(100,100));
// rectangle = { x:50 , y: 50, width: 100, height: 100 }
Rounds the coordinates of a rectangle to the nearest pixel.
var rectangle = new JCL.Rectangle({
x: 3.65823,
y: 9.471623,
width: 12.9176,
height: 58.82621
// rectangle = { x:4, y:9, width:13, height:59 }
Draws the rectangle on the JCL.Canvas.
var canvas = new JCL.Canvas('myCanvasId');
var rectangle = new JCL.Rectangle({
x: 10,
y: 10,
width: 20,
height: 60,
fill: '#ffcc00'
Stores a point. Provides functions to translate, calculate tangents, and interpolate between two points.
var point = new JCL.Point(0,10);
- x (number) - The x coordinate of the point.
- y (number) - The y coordinate of the point.
Updates the coordinates of the point.
Returns a simple object representing the coordinates.
var simple = point.toJSON();
// simple = { x: 5, y: 15 };
Calculates the distance between this and another JCL.Point.
var pointA = new JCL.Point(0,10);
var pointB = new JCL.Point(5,15);
var distance = pointA.distance(pointB);
// distance = 7.0710678118654755;
Calculates the angle connecting this and another JCL.Point.
var pointA = new JCL.Point(0,10);
var pointB = new JCL.Point(5,15);
var radians = pointA.angle(pointB);
// radians = 0.7853981633974483;
var degrees = JCL.utilities.degrees(radians);
// degrees = 45;
JCL.Point.tangent(degrees, distance)
Returns a point at the specified angle and distance from the point.
var pointA = new JCL.Point(0,0);
var pointB = pointA.tangent(45,10);
// pointB = { x: 7.0710678118654755, y: 7.071067811865475 }
JCL.Point.lerp(a, ratio)
Interpolates a third point at the specified ratio between this and another point.
var pointA = new JCL.Point(10,50);
var pointB = new JCL.Point(10,100);
var pointC = pointA.lerp(pointB,.5);
// pointC = { x: 10, y: 75 }
Rounds the coordinates of a point to the nearest pixel.
var point = new JCL.Point(4.6384, 8.2165).round();
// point = { x: 4, y: 8 }
Adjusts for sub-pixel blurring by centering the point around a pixel.
var point = new JCL.Point(4,8).crisp();
// point = { x: 3.5, y: 7.5 }
Moves a point by the specified coordinates, optionally returning a new instance.
var point = new JCL.Point(10,50).translate(10,-20);
// point = { x: 20, y: 30 }
Provides performance metrics such as frames per second, elapsed time per frame, and total elapsed time.
Source: lib/jcl.performance.js
Allows adding or removing callback functions to the render loop.
A collection of helper functions.
JCL.utilities.randomInt(min, max)**
Returns an integer between the specified minimum (inclusive) and maximum (exclusive).
Converts degrees into radians.
// returns 0.7853981633974483
Converts radians into degrees.
// returns 45
Returns the minimum and maximum value for a given collection.
// returns { min:1, max:9 }
v1.1.4 (September 14, 2013)
- Removed: Remaining infrastructure for the z axis. Out of scope.
- Improved documentation.
v1.1.3 (July 31, 2013)
- Rolled back original v1.2 changes after deciding they were outside the scope of this project.
v1.1.2 (April 18, 2013)
- Added: JCL.Point.round() to round the point to the nearest pixel.
- Added: JCL.Point.crisp() to overcome the subpixel blurring on single pixel width lines.
v1.1.1 (April 8, 2013)
- Added: JCL.Oval class to draw ovals.
- Added: Optional 'copy' argument to JCL.Point.translate() to clone the point instead of changing the current point. (1.1.1)
- Fixed: Bug with JCL.Point not recognizing the proper number of arguments with 5,0 coordinates. (1.1.1)
v1.0 (April 2, 2013)
- Added: JCL.drawCircles() will draw an array of circles, using the first element as the style template.
- Added: Unit tests.
- Changed: Can pass an object with x,y,z properties into the JCL.Point constructor as the only argument.
- Changed: Errors will now be thrown instead of using console.warn().
- Changed: JCL.performance must now be enabled using JCL.performance.enable().
- Changed: JCL.performance cannot be disabled by calling JCL.performance.disable().
- Changed: Renamed JCL object 'get()' function to 'toJSON()' to match convention.
- Changed: Set() commands will now retain the existing value if not overridden by the function.
- Removed: 'fullscreen' is no longer a JCL.Canvas option.
- Removed: 'createFragment()' is not longer a function in utilities. Didn't fit with the library.
- Removed: JCL.Point/JCL.Rectangle no longer have a toString() function. No known use scenarios.
v0.1 (December 11, 2012)
- Initial Release