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Releases: microsoft/omnichannel-chat-widget

Chat Widget v1.7.3

20 Nov 21:15
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[1.7.3] - 2024-11-20


  • Change LCW Designer default custom chat. Disable survey from LCW Designer mock.
  • Fix to set the state of audio notification button through configuration props
  • Fix to format the output when user do CTRL + COPY in transcript.html
  • Add New adapter subscriber to ignore adaptive card message from rendering if it contains all invisible fields
  • Add mock props to allow chat widget to run in mock mode with DemoChatAdapter
  • Expose IBotAuthConfig to support configuration of fetchBotAuthConfigRetries and fetchBotAuthConfigRetryInterval


  • Patch for multitab scenarios with perf changes
  • Improve load performance for startchat logic
  • Added attachment in message received event payload
  • Removed PreChat Survey rendering on loading Persistent Chat on an existing chat
  • Moved AuthTokenAcquisition to allow auth http calls to Omnichannel service before StartChat
  • Added AuthTokenAcquisition to happen during StartChat by default to support pop-out chat
  • When "offline" session recovers, detect if the session is active, otherwise hide send-box.
  • Use of reconnectionId when calling reconnect API instead of orgId.


Chat Widget v1.7.2

20 Nov 20:32
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[1.7.2] - 2024-09-03



  • Cleaning postsurvey state when ending the chat.
  • Fixing disable strike through in markdown
  • checking localStorage null or undefined

Chat Widget v1.7.1

21 Jun 05:55
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[1.7.1] - 2024-06-21



  • Add ability to pass external hosted URLs for the libraries of chat transcript


  • Fixed an issue allowing multiple listeners to execute multiple times for the same event (GetLiveWorkItemDetail)
  • Prechat payload from survey props get used when submitting response.
  • Fixed external link icon color css issue for markdown messages.
  • Fixed unread message count set to 0 on page refresh issue.

Chat Widget v1.7.0

30 May 22:12
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[1.7.0] 2024-05-30


  • Send omnichannel-chat-widget as part of ocUserAgent


Chat Widget v1.6.5

10 May 14:56
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[1.6.5] - 2024-05-10



  • Fix for handling properly close chat for persistent chat with postsurvey
  • Fix for emoji characters showing for combination like :0 and :-0
  • Greek characters in transcript is not displayed properly in mobile devices
  • OOH pane is displayed when SDK.startChat method is called and if it is OOH

Full Changelog: w-v1.6.4...w-v1.6.5

Chat Widget v1.6.3

03 Apr 01:04
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[1.6.3] - 2024-04-02



  • Running startChat SDK multiple times on an active chat without local storage is treated as a no-op
  • Reconnecting to an unauthenticated popout reconnect chat with pre-chat survey configured does not present the pre-chat survey again
  • Fix data Data Masking being enabled when msdyn_maskforcustomer is set to false and dataMaskingRules is not empty.
  • Forcing failures on authenticated chats to be sent immediately during reconnect flow and don't allow to continue with the chat flow.
  • Fix to handle pre-chat pane during reload and avoid the pane to be injected but no visible.
  • Fix ChatSDK.emailLiveChatTranscript() not working after ChatSDK.endChat() is called by not clearing liveChatContext on chatTokenCleanUp
  • Fix ChatSDK.getLiveChatTranscript() not working during post chat survey when user ends the conversation by retreving liveChatContext from inMemoryState

Chat Components v1.1.4

02 Apr 00:07
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[1.1.4] - 2024-04-01


  • Replacing end call shortcut key of pressing enter with ctrl + shift + h to prevent call to end while sending message

Chat Widget v1.6.2

29 Feb 19:06
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  • For Auth Reconnect, setting controlProps.hideReconnectChatPane to true no longer hides the pane UI, but will completely skip the ReconnectPane rendering process. If there is a reconnectable chat, it will directly be rehydrated. If not, the chat button will show up
  • Uptake @microsoft/[email protected]
  • Added OCChatSDKVersion, OCChatWidgetVersion, and OCChatComponentsVersion to base telemetry contract

Chat Widget v1.6.0

20 Dec 00:14
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[1.6.0] 2023-12-19


  • Enabled customizations for the start chat error pane by adding new IStartChatErrorPaneProps interface
  • Added PrepareEndChat Telemetry Event to identify end chat workflow
  • Add specific error strings to start chat error pane for authentication related failure scenarios by including new texts to IStartChatErrorPaneControlProps


  • Fixed an issue, where after the agent end the chat and C2 sees the disconnect banner after toggling, refreshing the browser does not show the message box.
  • Clear ChatSDK's internal liveChatContext when conversationState is set to Closed on startChat()
  • A11Y fix for JAWS screen reader, not able to read/navigate messages when scan mode is activated
  • Fix for InitiateEndChat event, which now updates state for confirmation pane, to enable close of the widget when clicking on the close button.


Chat Components v1.1.0

12 Dec 21:39
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[1.1.0] 2023-12-12


  • Add ability to customize PreChatSurveyPane's toggle inputs using IPreChatSurveyPaneToggleInputStyles & Use baseline by default


  • Fixed loading pane icon image fit