Releases: mbleigh/acts-as-taggable-on
v5.0.0: Merge pull request #832 from rbritom/changelog_update
Breaking Changes
@seuros Drop support for old version of ActiveRecord and Ruby and prepare rel
@rbritom Tagged with rewrite
@fearenales Due to database collisions, retry finding or creating a tag
@brilyuhns Add owner_tags method to taggable
@brilyuhns upport array of contexts in owner_tags_on method
@brilyuhns Add specs for owner_tags_on and owner_tags methods
@rbritom bump ruby versions for travis
@mnrk Fixed Rails 5.1 deprecation message, has_many needs String value for
@ProGM ProGM Adding a test to demonstrate the bug
@ProGM ProGM Ensure that caching_tag_list_on? is injected before using it
@ProGM ProGM Fix insert query for postgresql. Move schema definition in schema.rb
@amatsuda assigned but unused variable - any
@gmcnaughton Fix incorrect call of 'self.class' on methods which are already class
@gmcnaughton Fixed #712 (incompatibility with ActiveRecord::Sanitization#quoted_id)
@arpitchauhan Guard against indexes already existing
@arpitchauhan Rename migration to avoid conflicts
@lukeasrodgers "Bugfix TagList#concat with non-duplicates."
@fabn Revert "Added missed indexes."
Corey Osman Adds a table of contents to the readme and contributing files
@ashishg-qburst Fix typo in README
@praveenangyan Update
@colemerrick update finding tagged objects in readme
jaredbeck Help people upgrade to 4.0.0
@vasinov Update
Version 3.4.2
Merge pull request #600 from freerunningtech/master Meet interface expectation for active record.
Version 3.4.1
Version 3.4.0
This release introduce two new features:
- You can now use customs parsers. Thanks to @ProGM
was added as scope for the tags. Thanks to @damzcodes
The README was updated with examples
You can safely upgrade your applications to Rails 4.2. Thanks to @twalpole
MySQL users will have a small performance boost in this version. Thanks to @dontfidget
Have a nice day and happy tagging.
Version 3.2.6
- Fix a bug where unordered tags were marked as changed even if preserve order is not set.
- Drop actionpack dependency
Version 3.2.5
Fixed bug #546
Version 3.2.4
v3.2.4 V3.2.4
Version 3.2.3
A critical bug described in #538 was fixed
Please update immediately.
Version 3.2.2
Merge pull request #536 from seuros/masterstring Convert tags to string : fixes #532