👋 Hi, I’m Masoud Ehteshami Moeini
Software Developer
- Web Developmnet
- Back-End
- Front-End
- DevOps
- Infrastructure
- Web Developmnet
👀 I’m interested & working in cloud-native stacks ( Containers, Docker, K8S & Many Cloud-Native Solutions )
🌱 I’m currently also learning everyday!
💞️ I have experience in many fields from 2003-4 & also looking to collaborate on :
- DevOps Cycle & Tools
- Automation Solutions
- Containers & Cloud-Native Tools & Solutions
- Blockchain Programming
- ML/AI Solutions , Specifically MLOps ( I'm experienced in MLOps )
- NodeJS / Go / Dotnet & C# / Python / PHP & Laravel / Rust
- Vue / Nuxt
- SQL / NoSQL / Graph Databases
- Microservices Architecture
- HTML / JS / CSS / Bootstrap / Tailwind
- WordPress / WooCommerce / Drupal
📫 How to reach me : https://www.linkedin.com/in/masoudehteshami/