auto-ssh is a simple gui to easily create a ssh passkey and Gpg keys via RSA for adding to various online repositories like Github, Gitfoss easily.
auto-ssh is still in alpha and may contain bugs, to terminate the program click the x icon for the gui and/or press ctr^c for terminal.
Auto SSH requires PyQt5 to display GUI elements.
To Install it on your machine you need to install
- Pyqt5
- Git ( if you haven't already)
- expect (sudo apt install expect)
You can install the dependencies by
$ cd auto-ssh
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 package/
- Type your name, email-id and password, and press ssh for generating ssh key and gpg for gpg keys.
- Generating gpg keys will take some time due to entropy requirements for 4096R so please be patient.
- For ssh go to your terminal and retype the password to allow the ssh-agent to add the RSA key.
- For Gpg after the entropy requirements are met you will be provided the keys in the layout.
- Copy the key provided and add it to Github,Gitfoss or elsewhere.
- Enjoy
Note: Pressing submit without input will result in error.
Note: If you already have an RSA key it will ask for overwriting permission.