The UNO card game built in MERN stack.
A online UNO card game version built with Node, React and SocketIO.
The application consist mainly of three pages:
- [Home] In this page you can select or create a room to play
- [Hall] In this page you wait for more people join to that room to start the game, if needed. (theres a chat too)
- [Game] The actual game, in this page you play UNO with everyone in that room.
To install this project you need to have Mongodb, NPM and Node installed
After cloning the repository follow the steps to get the app running
Install dependencies -server side
cd server
npm install
Install dependencies -client side
cd client
npm install
Starting the server -server side
cd server
node app.js
Starting the react app -client side
cd client
npm start
- [MONGO] - Database used
- [Express] - Back end framework used
- [React] - Front end Framework used
- [Node] - Server side language used is used to track new stories, issues, and to store project related wiki pages:
- Pedro Augusto - Initial work - pedrooaugusto
- Gabor Peresztegi - Fork, new features - PG
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the file for details