From: <[email protected]> Jan Andrle
To: <*> Github Visitors
Subject: Hi there – This is me
Hello everybody! 👋
My name is Jan Andrle 👨 and I'm a Full-Stack and Hybrid App Developer working in Prague, Czechia.
There are some main points about me:
- 🏢 🔨 I'm currently working at Indigo Multimedia s.r.o
- ⚙️ 💪 I use daily:
- ⚙️ 👌 I'm also able to handle
, …- ❤️ 👍 I'm a huge fan of vanilla JavaScript, CSS and HTML so I'm trying not to “overuse” (helpful) tools such as SASS, TypeScript etc.
- 🔧 🔨 But, it doesn't mean I reinvent the wheels: Apache Cordova, Ionic, Enhance, matthewp/haunted, React, Vue.js, …
- 📖 📚 My favourite books/series/authors: Bobiverse series (Dennis E. Taylor), Imperial Radch series (Ann Leckie), Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett, Wayfarers series (Becky Chambers), Cloud Atlas (David Mitchell), The Map of Time (Félix J. Palma), Ursula Le Guin, J. R. Tolkien, Jana Rečková (Údolí Žalozpěvu series), …, …, …
- 💬 📫 You can reach me by email or by Mastodon (@jaandrle@fosstodon)
- 📝 ✏️ I also have a blog
Regards, JA