DeflAted Barrier method (DAB)
The deflated-barrier library implements the deflated barrier method of Papadopoulos, Farrell and Surowiec. The objective is to compute multiple solutions of topology optimization problems which are nonconvex, PDE & box-constrained optimization problems.
I. P. A. Papadopoulos, P. E. Farrell, T. M. Surowiec, Computing multiple solutions of topology optimization problems, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2021,
The code is written in Python using FEniCS: a finite element solver platform. Instructions for set up can be found at (version 2019.1.0, compiled with PETSc, petsc4py and HDF5 support).
The deflated-barrier library also depends on
petsc4py (
h5py (
matplotlib (, for rendering iteration tables)
LaTeX (, for rendering iteration tables)
slepc4py (, for computing stabilities)
Tested with dolfin version 2019.1.0 compiled with either petsc4py version 3.7.0 or petsc4py version 3.10.1
The easiest way to learn how to use the deflated-barrier package is to examine the examples in examples/. Start with examples/double-pipe.
Iteration tables for the double-pipe, roller-type pump and neumann-outlet double-pipe examples can be generated by the command
make iterationtables
The outputs are pdf documents found in the relevant subdirectories in the examples directory.
The cantilever and mbb-beam examples (with continuation and grid-sequencing) can be generated by the command
make compliance
The convergence plots found in "Numerical analysis of a topology optimization problem for Stokes flow", I. P. A. Papadopoulos, E. Suli, 2021 can be generated by running
make convergence-plots
The outputs are pdf documents found in the figures/ subdirectory within examples/convergence-plots/double-pipe/unstructured-mesh and examples/convergence-plots/discontinuous-forcing/material-distribution-DG0
Install the package with the following command in the parent directory
pip3 install .
Ioannis P. A. Papadopoulos ([email protected])
Patrick E. Farrell ([email protected])
GNU LGPL, version 3.