This is the backend for our website. The backend is based on serverless lambda functions. It uses the Serverless Framework to define infrastructure as a code and deploy the codebase to AWS easily. Functions are bundled individally through webpack with help of the serverless-webpack package. It uses AWS Cognito for User Authentication and DynamoDB as a non-relational database. The stack can be deployed to multiple stages. The API documentation can be viewed here.
- Clone the repository
cd serverless
- Install dependencies via
npm install
- Optionally install serverless cli (
npm install -g serverless
cd serverless
- Deploy the whole stack to dev:
npm run deployDev
or via the serverless clisls deploy
- Deploy the whole stack to prod:
npm run deployProd
or via the serverless clisls deploy -s prod
- Deploy one function (only via the serverless cli):
sls deploy -f functionName -s stageName
- Make changes to docs/documentation.yml
- To watch Redoc-Documentation locally:
npm run serveDocs
- To bundle Redoc-Documentation into html file:
npm run bundleDocs