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NetworkX Query Tool

See documentation.


Install this library directly into an activated virtual environment:

$ pip install networkx-query

or add it to your Poetry project:

$ poetry add networkx-query


Searching nodes

import networkx as nx
from networkx_query import search_nodes, search_edges

g = nx.DiGraph()
g.add_node(1, product="chocolate")
g.add_node(2, product="milk")
g.add_node(3, product="coat")
g.add_edge(1, 2, action="shake")
g.add_edge(3, 2, action="produce")

for node_id in search_nodes(g, {"==": [("product",), "chocolate"]}):

>> 1

Searching edges

for edge_id in search_edges(g, {"eq": [("action",), "produce"]}):

>> (3, 2)

Searching direct relation ship

With search_direct_relationships you can made a query which filter edges on their :

  • source node attributes
  • edge attributes
  • target node attributes

With this graph:

import networkx as nx
from networkx_query import search_direct_relationships

g = nx.DiGraph()
for i in range(30):
    g.add_node(i, data=i)

for i in range(10, 30):
    g.add_edge(i - 10, i, data=i)

We can filtering all edges with source node with data < 3:

list(search_direct_relationships(graph=g, source={"lt": ["data", 3]}))

[(0, 10), (1, 11), (2, 12)]

We can filtering all edges with:

  • source node with data < 8
  • edge with data > 15
list(search_direct_relationships(graph=g, source={"lt": ["data", 8]}, edge={"gt": ["data", 15]}))

>> [(6, 16), (7, 17)]

We can filtering all edges with:

  • source node with data > 9
  • edge with data > 15
  • target node with data < 22
            graph=g, source={"gt": ["data", 9]}, edge={"gt": ["data", 15]}, target={'lt': ["data", 22]}

>> [(10, 20), (11, 21)]


With :

    g = nx.DiGraph()
    g.add_node(1, product="a")
    g.add_node(2, product="b")
    g.add_node(3, product="c")
    g.add_node(4, product="d")

    g.add_edge(1, 2)
    g.add_edge(1, 3, weight=2)
    g.add_edge(1, 4)

    g.add_edge(2, 4)
    g.add_edge(3, 4)

You could find all path with multiple constraints:

            {"eq": [("product",), "a"]},
            PathCriteria(target={"eq": [("product",), "b"]}),
            PathCriteria(target={"eq": [("product",), "d"]}),
    # output: [[1, 2, 4]]

     list(search_relationships(g, {"eq": [("product",), "a"]}, PathCriteria(target={"eq": [("product",), "c"]})))
     # outptu: [[1, 3]]

or something more complex:

    g.add_node(5, product="d")
    g.add_node(6, product="d")
    g.add_node(7, product="a")
    g.add_node(8, product="a")

    g.add_edge(7, 5, weight=2)
    g.add_edge(7, 6, weight=2)
    g.add_edge(8, 5, weight=2)

            {"eq": [("product",), "a"]},  # node 1, 7, 8
                target={"eq": [("product",), "d"]}, edge={"eq": [("weight",), 2]}
            ),  # edge 1-3, 7-5, 7-6, 8-5  node 4, 5, 6 -> no 1, 3, 4
    # output: [[7, 5], [7, 6], [8, 5]]

            {"eq": [("product",), "a"]},  # node 1, 7, 8
            PathCriteria(target={}, edge={"eq": [("weight",), 2]}),  # edge 1-3, 7-5, 7-6, 8-5
            PathCriteria(target={"eq": [("product",), "d"]}),  # node 4, 5, 6 -> no 1, 3, 4
    # output: [[1, 3, 4]]

Note the usage of PathCriteria(target={}, .. to define a constraint based only on edge. {} act as a wildcard.


Actually, we have:

All this function are based on prepare_query which return an Evaluator.

Quickly, Evaluator are function with this signature: (context) -> bool, and Context is a dictionary like structure (with in and [] methods, and support contains or (iter and getitem)) With networkX, node and edge attributes are dictionary like, so implementation of this three methods are very simple.

Query language

We define a little json query language like json-query-language against nodes or edges attributes.


Main expression syntax turn around this:

    operator_name : parameters

Basic matching expression

Test if a node/edge has an attribute named "my_property":

    "has" : "my_property"

Test if a node/edge has an attribute product : { "definition": { "name": xxx }} with xxx equals to "chocolate".

    "eq" : [ ("product", "definition", "name"), "chocolate"]

The tuple ("product", "definition", "name") is a path in attribut dictionnary. A Path is a single string or a tuple of string which represente a path in a tree (here a dictionary).

We support this operators:

Name Alias Parameters Description
has Path Check if path exists in context.
contains Path, str Check if an attribut path exists and contains specified value.
eq == Path, Any Check if an attribut path exists and equals specified value.
neq != Path, Any Check if an attribut path did not exists or not equals specified value.
gt > Path, Any Check if an attribut path exists and greather that specified value.
lt < Path, Any Check if an attribut path exists and lower that specified value.
gte >= Path, Any Check if an attribut path exists and greather or equals that specified value.
lte <= Path, Any Check if an attribut path exists and lower or equals that specified value.
in := Path, List[Any] Check if an attribut path exists and attribut value in specified values.

Boolean composition of matching expression

We support this operators:

Name Alias Parameters Description
and && list of query And operator.
or || list of query Or operator.
xor list of query xor operator.
nxor list of query nxor operator.
not ! query Not operator.

By default, a list of expressions is equivalent of an "AND" of this expressions.


    'not': {
        'has': ['group']
    'has': 'application',
    'eq': [('_link', 'other', 'weight'), 2]

is equivalent to:

    'and': [
            'not': [
                    'has': ['group']
            'has': ['application']
            'eq': [('_link', 'other', 'weight'), 2]

Wished Features

  • add projection expression (a return like statement)
  • add join relation ship