Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm Filipe, a full stack web and mobile JavaScript developer.
I develop mostly with the VS Code editor, ujsingGit for local repositories and version control, and GitHub for remote repositories. I also use NPM a lot both for managing packages in my personal projects and for publishing open source libraries.
I use HTML, CSS, Sass, and JavaScript (mostly with TypeScript) with the Astro framework to develop frontend applications, I also like to use the React library a lot on my projects.
I work with React Native, mostly with the Expo CLI and TypeScript, to build cross-platform apps without losing the native experience of Android and iOS apps.
For styling I like to have features like nesting, shared styles between selectors, logical properties, shorthand properties, etc., but I don't feel like using web-based libraries that transpile CSS syntax or classes into JavaScript, so I use NativeSass, which is similar to Sass but adheres to React Native's default styling syntax.
For both web and mobile development, I use Node.js with Express.js to build my backends together with MongoDB, but I also like to use Firebase for database and user authentication, specially for simpler projects or for test purposes.
These are the projects that I'm currently developing:
- NativeSass: A React Native library that lets you create StyleSheets with Sass- and CSS-like functionality, without losing the default experience of creating them the React Native way. Learn more at the official docs website.
I plan to study C++ and Java in the future because they are very useful languages and I also find them very familiar due to the similarities between their syntaxes and the syntaxes of JavaScript and TypeScript.
Reach me through Gmail or LinkedIn: