µ functional library to transverse objects using an extendable DSL-like syntax
$ npm i --save object-dsl
import compile from 'object-dsl'
// Operators
const replace = text => next => node => node.replace('%placeholder%', text)
const toUpper = next => node => node.toUpperCase()
// DSL spec
const dsl = {
foo: replace('world'),
obj: {
name: toUpper
// Compile DSL
const compiled = compile(dsl)
// Run with object
const result = compiled({
foo: 'hello %placeholder%',
obj: {
name: 'foobar'
console.log(result) // { foo: 'hello world', obj: { name: 'FOOBAR' } }
import compile from 'object-dsl'
// Operators
const replace = text => next => node => node.replace('%placeholder%', text)
const toUpper = next => node => node.toUpperCase()
// DSL spec
const obj = {
name: toUpper
const dsl = {
foo: replace('world'),
// Compile DSL
const compiled = compile(dsl)
// Run with object
const result = compiled({
foo: 'hello %placeholder%',
obj: {
name: 'foobar'
console.log(result) // { foo: 'hello world', obj: { name: 'FOOBAR' } }
import compile, { array, map } from 'object-dsl'
// Operators
const replace = (placeholder, text) => next => node => node.replace(`%${placeholder}%`, text)
const photo = next => node => `http://image-server.com/files/${node}`
// DSL spec
const dsl = {
names: (
replace('title', 'Mr.')
images: (
// Compile DSL
const compiled = compile(dsl)
// Run with object
const result = compiled({
names: [
'%title% John Doe',
'%title% John Smith'
images: {
cover: 'cover.png',
back: 'back.png',
other: 'other.png'
names: [
'Mr. John Doe',
'Mr. John Smith'
images: {
cover: 'http://image-server.com/files/cover.png',
back: 'http://image-server.com/files/back.png',
other: 'http://image-server.com/files/other.png'
import compile, { array, map } from 'object-dsl'
// Operators
const item = next => (node, state) => ({ path: state.path })
// DSL spec
const dsl = {
types: (
// Compile DSL
const reducer = (state, { key }) => ({ path: [...state.path, key] })
const initState = { path: ['root'] }
const compiled = compile(dsl, reducer, initState)
// Run with object
const obj = {
types: {
type1: [
{ id: 'type1_1' },
{ id: 'type1_2' }
type2: [
{ id: 'type2_1' }
const result = compiled(obj)
types: {
type1: [
{ path: ["root", "types", "type1", 0] },
{ path: ["root", "types", "type1", 1] }
type2: [
{ path: ["root", "types", "type2", 0] }
// ---------
// withMerge
// ---------
import { withMerge } from 'object-dsl'
// Run with object
const result = withMerge(compiled)(obj)
types: {
type1: [
{ id: 'type1_1', path: ["root", "types", "type1", 0] },
{ id: 'type1_2', path: ["root", "types", "type1", 1] }
type2: [
{ id: 'type2_1', path: ["root", "types", "type2", 0] }