A personally built task runner meant for rapid development geared towards front-end static pages with minimal setup. It currently watches, bundles and auto-reloads the browser when changes are made to SCSS, JS files, and a main html file. The compiled files will be stored in the /dist folder.
Modules used in this setup include:
- gulp
- browser-sync
- browserify
- gulp-sass
- gulp-uglify
- vinyl-buffer
- vinyl-source-stream
Will add an image optimizer soon!
$ git clone https://github.com/binhxn/quick-gulp-setup.git
$ cd quick-gulp-setup
$ npm install
$ gulp serve
$ npm start
To compile all SCSS files, you must import them to one main SCSS file (i.e. style.scss). Example included in /scss folder.
All JS files affecting front-end development should live in the /client folder. In addition, files can be 'required'. Example included in /client folder. Note*: When building your local environment, only CSS is compiled on command. You MUST save a JS file in the /client folder in order for you to compile the bundle.js file in the dist folder. Will fix in future iterations.