A python script using PRAW that lets you download media files from your favourite subreddits and exports posts info in a .csv format.
First setup a reddit app from here
make sure you put http://localhost:8080 in the redirect url field
Get your client id, client secret and user agent for auth purposes.
git clone https://github.com/asjadanis/reddit-scrapper.gitt
pip install -r requirements.txt
python reddit-scrapper.py --client_id 'client-id' --client_secret 'client-secret' --user_agent 'user-agent' --subreddits ProgrammerHumor memes --limit 100 --username 'reddit user name' --password 'reddit password'
python reddit-scrapper.py -h
--username & --password are option
--subreddits list of subreddits to fetch posts from