to launch the file start.launch, call
$ ./
to launch the system with FQDNs for the uris, use the -o flag:
$ ./ -o
to launch an arbitrary launch file, pass it as a positional parameter:
$ ./ file.launch
to start an interactive ROS session, source env.tegra or env.odroid, as appropriate:
$ . ~/catkin_ws/src/launches/env.tegra
to start an interactive ROS session with FQDNs, use the ONLINE enviroment variable:
$ ONLINE=1 . ~/catkin_ws/src/launches/env.tegra
rosbag record -a --chunksize=4096 -b 0
Tegra from ~/catkin_ws
catkin_make_isolated --install --use-ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Oroid from ~/catkin_ws