This airwallex-payment-react-native library is a lightweight React Native SDK that allows merchants to conveniently integrate the Airwallex checkout flow on their iOS/Android app.
Merchants can integrate airwallex-payment-react-native in the checkout page on their app. For every checkout, merchants should create a PaymentIntent entity through the Airwallex API to process payments with Airwallex.
Once the PaymentIntent is successfully created via API integration, the API will return a response with a unique ID and client secret for the intent. Merchants can then use these two keys along with other custom parameters to enable the payment UI to collect payment attempt details.
npm install airwallex-payment-react-native
import { initialize, presentEntirePaymentFlow } from 'airwallex-payment-react-native';
import type { PaymentSession } from 'airwallex-payment-react-native';
// initialize SDK with configurations
const session: PaymentSession = {
type: 'OneOff',
customerId: 'cus_xxx',
paymentIntentId: 'int_xxx',
currency: 'AUD',
countryCode: 'AU',
amount: 1,
isBillingRequired: false,
paymentMethods: ['card'],
clientSecret: 'replace-with-your-client-secret'
/* You can also use presentCardPaymentFlow, startGooglePay, startApplePay, payWithCardDetails
or payWithConsent to launch each individual component. */
presentEntirePaymentFlow('Your client secret', session, 'staging')
.then((result) => {
switch (result.status) {
// handle different payment result status in your UI
case 'success':
case 'inProgress':
case 'cancelled':
(error) => // handle error cases
See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.
Made with create-react-native-library