- curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abhishekunotech/install_scripts/master/installOTRS.sh
- chmod +x installOTRS.sh
- ./installOTRS.sh
- Make sure you have followed steps for Installing PostgreSQL server
- systemctl start httpd
- yum install -y perl-DBD-Pg
- Run Web Installer - go to <ip_of_server>/otrs/installer.pl
- curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abhishekunotech/install_scripts/master/installOTRS.sh
- chmod +x installOTRS.sh
- ./installOTRS.sh
- curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abhishekunotech/install_scripts/master/postInstallOTRS.sh
- chmod +x postInstallOTRS.sh
- ./postInstallOTRS.sh
- curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abhishekunotech/install_scripts/master/installPG.sh
- chmod +x installPG.sh
- ./installPG.sh
- systemctl restart postgresql-9.6
- vim /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/pg_hba.conf
- Add a line -- "host all all <ip_of_otrs_server> trust"
- vim /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/postgresql.conf
- Change hostname to <ip_of_postgre_server>
- Follow steps for Installing OTRS on new Database Server
- su - postgres
- pg_dumpall > output.dmp
- psql -f output.dmp postgres
- git pull
- yes | cp -R /opt/otrs/OTRS-Kernel/* /opt/otrs/Kernel/
- yes | cp -R /opt/otrs/Kernel/* /opt/otrs/OTRS-Kernel/
- git commit -am ""
- git push
- Pull the latest code
- yum install -y gcc memcached patch
- git clone https://github.com/JRaspass/Cache-Memcached-Fast.git
- cd Cache-Memcached-Fast
- perl Makefile.pl
- make
- systemctl start memcached
- make test
- make install
- cd /opt/otrs/OTRS-Kernel
- cp otrs-memcached.patch ../../otrs
- patch -i otrs-memcached.patch
- Go to <ip_of_otrs_server>/otrs/index.pl?Action=AdminSysConfig;Subaction=Edit;SysConfigSubGroup=Core::Cache;SysConfigGroup=Framework;#
- Change Cache Module to Memcached and enable disabled checkboxes.
- systemctl restart httpd
- su - otrs
- bin/otrs.Console.pl Maint::Config::Rebuild