About: The book for a tutorial on ET Programming Language.
Available file comprehension versions: .zip, .rar, .tar, .gz, .targz, .tgz, .bz2, tar.bz2
1 - Package usepackage\import, usepackage\import does not work.
2 - Package usepackage\pagenumber, usepackage\watemark does not work.
3 - Package usepackage\minted, tableofcontents does not work.
4 - Package usepackage\import, usepackage\import does not work.
English ( Complete, but with errors. )
Portuguese ( Complete, but with errors. )
Persian (Soon)
TeXstudio for Mac converts LaTeX to PDF using “pdflatex” command but does not come with the “pdflatex” extension itself. To acquire the extension, you need to install a TeX distribution for Mac OS like MacTeX. When this is done, run TeXstudio for mac.
Step 1: Download File
Step 2: Unpack and Extract File
Step 3. Drag and drop the TEX file into the program.
Step 4. Go to “Tools”>”Commands”>”PDFLaTex”. The TEX file will be compiled to PDF automatically. You will find the output PDF in the “Recent files” folder.
Useful links : Link 1 , Link 2 , Link 3 , Link 4 , Link 5 , Link 6 , Link 7 , Link 8
TeXstudio for Mac converts LaTeX to PDF using “pdflatex” command but does not come with the “pdflatex” extension itself. To acquire the extension, you need to install a TeX distribution for Mac OS like MacTeX. When this is done, run TeXstudio for mac.
Step 1: Download File
Click in button "Download" 'Color Green' for download file book.zip
Step 2:
Unpack and Extract File
Step 3.
Drag and drop the TEX file into the program.
Step 4.
Go to “Tools”>”Commands”>”PDFLaTex”. The TEX file will be compiled to PDF automatically.
You will find the output PDF in the “Recent files” folder.
Useful links : Link 1 , Link 2 , Link 3
TeXstudio for Mac converts LaTeX to PDF using “pdflatex” command but does not come with the “pdflatex” extension itself. To acquire the extension, you need to install a TeX distribution for Mac OS like MacTeX. When this is done, run TeXstudio for mac.
Step 1: Download File
Click in button "Download" 'Color Green' for download file book.zip
Step 2:
Unpack and Extract File
Step 3.
Drag and drop the TEX file into the program.
Step 4.
Go to “Tools”>”Commands”>”PDFLaTex”. The TEX file will be compiled to PDF automatically. You will find the output PDF in the “Recent files” folder.
Useful links : Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4
Step 1: Open a web base editor (web page).: Overleaf
Step 2: Create account or Login.
Step 3: Click in button "Import URL" and Wait, Test.
Step 1: Choice and install program or utility and use script specific.
Option 1: Installation Manual Process
Step 1: Install package or utility and use script specific. Arch? Centos? Ubuntu? Slackware? Debian? Fedora? ... Access this list here.
Option 2: Installation Automatic Process
Step 1: Automatic install with general script of use. Access this list here.
Option 1: Installation Manual Process
Step 1: Install package or utility and use script specific. MacOSX? ... Access this list here.
Option 2: Installation Automatic Process
Step 1: Automatic install with general script of use. Access this list here.
Work: Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows 10, Windows Vista, Windows 8 ...
Step 1: Installation Manual Process
Step 2: Click in button Download 'Color Green' for download file book.zip
Step 3: Unpack and Extract File Zip
Step 4: Open the File Explorer and locate the zipped folder.
To unzip the entire folder, right-click to select Extract All and follow the instructions. To unzip a single file or folder, double-click the zipped folder to open it. Then drag or copy the zipped folder item to a new location.
Step 5: Click and generate PDF.
Step 1: Installation Automatic Process
Option 1: Download and click install.bat or Download and click install.exe or Option 2: Download and click install.vbs or Download Nodejs and click install.js pr Option 3: Download Python and click install.py
- The .rar, .tar, .gz, .targz, .tgz, .bz2, and tar.bz2 versions files also work and are no different.
- If you do not have or do not work.
- Versions: Windows, GnuLinux, Mac
Step 1: Download and install to Unpack and Extract File Zip
Unzip : Winrar , WinZip , 7zip and Others Alternatives
Step 2: Download and install to IDE or Editor LaTeX and generate PDF
Latex : Use a IDE or editor : Texmaker , TeXstudio , Kile , LyX , TeXworks , Gummi , MiKTeX
Step 1: Download and install to Unpack and Extract File Zip
Unzip : Winrar , WinZip , 7zip and Others Alternatives
Step 2: Download and install to IDE or Editor LaTeX and generate PDF
Latex : Use a IDE or editor : Texmaker , TeXstudio , Kile , LyX , TeXworks , Gummi , MiKTeX
Step 1: Download and install to Unpack and Extract File Zip
Unzip : Winrar , WinZip , 7zip and Others Alternatives
Step 2: Download and install to IDE or Editor LaTeX and generate PDF
Latex : Use a IDE or editor : Texmaker , TeXstudio , Kile , LyX , TeXworks , Gummi , MiKTeX