Lodash is an amazing utility library for JavaScript, but with recent additions to the ECMAScript much of it can be replaced with vanilla features. This library aims to be a thinner alternative with modern browsers in mind.
Note: This library hasn't been battle tested yet. Help us test it out.
Supported functions:
(a bloat-free alternative to _.chain - https://dev.to/munawwar/lodash-chaining-revisited-1c5d)_.chunk
(only considers own properties)_.defaultsDeep
(only considers own properties)_.defaultTo
Here is an example to convert lodash syntax into chain util syntax:
// Lodash
import * as _ from 'lodash-es'
.map(x => [x, x*2])
.sortBy(x => x)
// chain util
import { chain, map, flatten, sortBy } from 'mixed-bag'
.fn(map, x => [x, x*2])
.fn(sortBy, x => x)
- Assumes browser/runtime can run ES2020
- Mostly only handles
. Does not try to handle NaN or 0 vs -0. - Makes limited attempts (or none) to coerce types. Does not coerce "array-like" objects into arrays.
- "Collection" functions (like map, difference etc) cannot be used on objects. A "collection" is just arrays.
npm install mixed-bag
# or pnpm
pnpm add mixed-bag
# or via yarn (v1)
yarn add mixed-bag
MIT, see the LICENSE file
This project was forked from smoldash
_.add (use + sign)
_.ary (use arrow function)
_.assign (Object.assign)
_.bind (Use Function.bind or arrow function)
_.concat (arr.concat)
_.constant (already short to write `() => c`)
_.defer (Use setTimeout with delay 1 ms)
_.delay (Use setTimeout)
_.divide (use / sign)
_.drop (arr.slice(n))
_.dropRight (arr.slice(0, -n))
_.endsWith (string.endsWith)
_.head, _.first (arr[0])
_.fill (array.fill)
_.fromPairs (Object.fromEntries)
_.indexOf (arr.indexOf)
_.initial (arr.slice(0, -1))
_.includes (arr.includes)
_.isArray (Array.isArray)
_.isBoolean (typeof x === 'boolean' is good enough vs lodash's implementation)
_.isBuffer (Buffer.isBuffer)
_.isDate (x instanceof Date)
_.isError (`x instanceof Error` is close enough)
_.isFinite (Number.isFinite)
_.isFunction (typoef x === 'function')
_.isMap (x instanceof Map)
_.isNaN (isNaN or Number.isNaN)
_.isNull (x === null)
_.isNumber (typeof x === 'number')
_.isRegExp (x instanceof RegExp)
_.isSet (x instanceof Set)
_.isWeakMap ()
_.join (arr.join)
_.lastIndexOf (arr.lastIndexOf)
_.max (use Math.max(...args))
_.min (use Math.min(...args))
_.multiply (use * sign)
_.negate (already short to write (...args) => !func(...args))
_.now (Date.now())
_.toUpper (string.toUpperCase)
_.padEnd (string.padEnd)
_.padStart (string.padStart)
_.parseInt (global parseInt or Number.parseInt)
_.repeat (string.repeat)
_.replace (string.replace)
_.rest (Use function.call())
_.spread (Use function.apply())
_.slice (arr.slice)
_.split (string.split)
_.startsWith (string.startsWith)
_.stubArray (already short to write `() => []`)
_.stubFalse (already short to write `() => false`)
_.stubObject (already short to write `() => ({})`)
_.stubString (already short to write `() => ''`)
_.stubTrue (already short to write `() => true`)
_.subtract (use - sign)
_.tail (arr.slice(1))
_.take (arr.slice(0, n))
_.takeRight (arr.slice(-n))
_.toLower (string.toLowerCase)
_.trim (string.trim())
_.trimEnd (string.trimEnd())
_.trimStart (string.trimStart())
_.template (use template literals)
_ and _.chain (bloated. will provide alternative)
_.tap, _.thru (obsoleted by chain alternative)
_.bindKey (too niche use case)
_.isElement (there isn't a sure way of detecting elements in DOM-like environments like jsdom without access to window object)
_.isNative (lodash has a note saying core-js package will not allow this to work properly)
_.debounce (too big implementation. You can use https://github.com/angus-c/just/blob/master/packages/function-debounce)
_.throttle (too big implementation. You can use https://github.com/angus-c/just/blob/master/packages/function-throttle)
_.sample (too specialized for a general util library)
_.sampleSize (too specialized for a general util library)
_.shuffle (too specialized for a general util library. You can use https://github.com/angus-c/just/tree/master/packages/array-shuffle if needed)