🚀First Site Project on Python Flask this project for begginers, it's a web application built using Flask. It includes approximately 10 pages to form the content of the website.
pip install Flask
You can clone my repository if you want: git clone https://github.com/MatveyGuralskiy/Flask-FirstSite.git
Run the application.py file
Edit in 2 functions: INDEX,HELP_PAGE: 'YOUR PATH' and don't forget double slash '\'
Press F5 or Run in Python
Now go to your Web browser and enter the link: ''
Structure of the project:
static = Your background
Screenshots = Screenshots of site
INDEX.html = The main page
HELPPAGE.html = Help page
|-- /static
|-- /Screenshots
|-- application.py
|-- INDEX.html
|-- HELPPAGE.html
|-- README.md
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button, if this project was helpful to you.
🔴 Full Name (@MatveyGuralskiy)