Hello everybody,
I work at Quansight Labs and spend time on:
- Polars
- Narwhals (🎵 swimming in the ocean, causing a commotion🎶)
- assorted consulting / training
I've also written some assorted little tools:
- cython-lint (the world's first Cython linter?)
- absolufy-imports (superseded by ruff)
- nbQA (mostly superseded by ruff, but still gets ~300k downloads/month for some reason)
- auto-walrus (hopefully won't be superseded by ruff)
- polars-xdt (eXtra stuff for Dates 'n' Times)
- polars-reverse-geocode (quite niche, but some people use it)
and a tutorial on how to write Polars Plugins: https://marcogorelli.github.io/polars-plugins-tutorial/. Don't be scared