GrizzlyTime is a Java based time logging system that links with Google Sheets. It features fast setup (<5minutes), logging of individual student dates, quick student registration, flexible 6 digit ID system, etc.
Google Sheets has a maximum column limit of 256 columns. The Date Log WILL break once this limit has been reached! I'm currently working on a workaround or an alternative means of storing this data. Stay up-to-date!
- Individual logging of days signed in
- Tracking of student/mentor total hours
- Easy 1 minute registration for new users
- Compatible with USB Barcode Scanners
- Graphics and Application name are customizable without code
- Easily extendable
- Record student/mentor participation
- Gather statistics of student growth over time
Currently supported OSes: Windows, Linux Unsupported OSes: Mac Note: I would love to support Mac. Unfortunately, I do not own a Mac machine to test GrizzlyTime on. It may or may not work.
Download the latest release here.
A setup tutorial can be found here.
Or see the wiki
Visit the wiki for information on custom images or code.
GrizzlyTime is licensed under MIT and uses the following open source software with their respective licenses.
Google Java API Client 1.23.0
Commons-IO 2.6
GrizzlyTime is programmed and maintained by a member of FRC Team 66, Grizzly Robotics, Dalton Smith. All rights are reserved. Grizzly Robotics logo rights reserved.