- 🎓 Education: Completed M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Guwahati.
- 🪙 Competitive Programming: Currently I'm Knight at LeetCode, but stay tuned for more.
- 💡 Skills:
This GitHub repository is my playground, where I tinker with code, experiment with different technologies, and showcase my personal projects. Feel free to browse through the public repos. I'm always looking to learn and grow, so expect my projects to evolve and improve over time.
🔭 I’m currently working on My M.Tech thesis on Microfluidic Biochips. This is mostly consists of optimizing currently present algorithms and come up with new through the findings.
- 📧 Email: [email protected]
- 📫 LinkedIn: Abhik Khan
- 🌐 LeetCode: Sparrow23