In this exposed peak of the internet I will document my pico-8 "fantasy console" learning process by sharing my cartridges, resources and other thoughts. You know, in hopes I will keep on doing so after the first couple of times.
Change the pico-8 default configuration
just work with ATOM. here is a nice guide, and the atom extension
An interesting way to setup your multi-tool development environment
How to setup Sublime - I did get rid of the font
brings out the true number of tokens including, well, includes
random -1 or 1: flr(rnd(1) - 1)
how to concat strings: print("lives: "..player.lives.." percentage: ", 1,2,3)
- Sprite's "0" pixel transform is at their top-left since pico 8 coordinates is going from top to bottom and left to right. their 'right' side is that pixel + 7 + (8 * sprite width - 1). same for top and bottom.
[] base helper-methods file (for example - rndb)
[] how to auto-center a line of text? (according to the number of chars in that text)
[] continue movement momentum (even when safe?) [] disallow going back
[] closed area enemies [] open area enemies
[X] enemies move [] score system
[] start, stop for few secs when hit,
Quite on a whim I've decided to implement Conway's Game of Life in Pico. Is it nice-looking? Is it really a game? Can it BE a game? maybe. This is a framework to build from, anyway.
WIP title - colourful life ?
[] Make a version with overlapping circfill instead of squares
[] Make a 280-characters version as a tweetcart
[X] animation for explosion + particles [X] 'generic' animation system [X] add generic 'timing' system to control animation framerate
[X] 'generic' particles system in pico-8 [X] add in location, remove / reset, activate, deactivate [] add burst variant [] add burst direction? [] add offset
[] engine fire
[] make stars twinkle (change color) and don't change them between tries
[] fuel system [] fuel pickups
[] wind? [] wind system [] wind indicator
[] flying obstacles
[] screen shake on explode
[] fade in / out
[] replay + scoring
[] menu
[] difficulty choosing on start (no conditions -> fuel -> wind -> obstacles)
[] plot? landing supplies for a planet? what is the theme
[] original lander spritesheet