Improve test suite performance #275
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This came up on Twitter too |
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We are doing sth. like this now: import { execa, type ExecaChildProcess } from "execa";
import { beforeAll, afterAll, afterEach } from "vitest";
import { Writable } from "node:stream";
import getPort from "get-port";
export interface AnvilOptions {
forkUrl?: string | undefined;
forkBlockNumber?: number | undefined;
startUpTimeout?: number;
logDepth?: number;
// TODO: This is a workaround. Figure out if we can fix vitest so that it reliably reaps all child processes.
export const anvilPort = await getPort({
port: 8545 + Number(process.env.VITEST_POOL_ID ?? 1),
export function setupAnvil({
forkUrl = process.env.VITE_ANVIL_FORK_URL,
forkBlockNumber = Number(process.env.VITE_ANVIL_FORK_BLOCK_NUMBER ?? 16994400),
startUpTimeout = 10000,
logDepth = 10,
}: AnvilOptions = {}) {
let anvil: Anvil | undefined;
// Start a shared anvil instance for every test file that uses this function. This means that
// state is shared between test functions within a file. If you want / need, you can use the
// viem test client to reset the fork between tests using `beforeEach` or `afterEach`.
beforeAll(async () => {
anvil = await Anvil.start({
// Print the last log entries from anvil after each test.
afterEach((context) => {
context.onTestFailed((result) => {
// Remove the startup message from the logs and only return the last `logDepth` entries.
const logs = anvil?.logs().slice(-logDepth, -1) ?? [];
if (logs.length === 0) {
// Try to append the log messages to the vitest error message. If that's not possible, print them to the console.
const error = result.errors?.[0];
const label = "Anvil log output\n=======================================\n";
if (error !== undefined) {
error.message += `\n\n${label}`;
error.message += `\n${logs.join("\n")}`;
} else {;
for (const log of logs) {
// Stop the anvil instance after all tests have run.
afterAll(async () => {
await anvil?.exit();
class LogRecorder extends Writable {
private readonly callback: (message: string) => void;
private readonly messages: string[] = [];
constructor(callback: (message: string) => void) {
this.callback = callback;
// rome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: this is fine /shrug/
override _write(chunk: any, _: string, next: (error?: Error) => void) {
const message = chunk.toString();
public flush() {
return this.messages.splice(0, this.messages.length);
class Anvil {
public readonly options: AnvilOptions;
public readonly process: ExecaChildProcess;
private readonly controller: AbortController;
private readonly recorder: LogRecorder;
public static async start(options?: AnvilOptions) {
const opts = {
startUpTimeout: 10000,
let resolve: (value: Anvil) => void = () => {};
let reject: (reason: Error) => void = () => {};
const promise = new Promise<Anvil>((resolve_, reject_) => {
resolve = resolve_;
reject = reject_;
// If anvil fails to start up in time, we reject the promise.
setTimeout(() => {
let message = "Anvil failed to start up in time";
const logs = recorder.flush();
if (logs.length > 0) {
message += `:\n\n${logs.join("\n")}}`;
reject(new Error(message));
}, opts.startUpTimeout);
const controller = new AbortController();
const recorder = new LogRecorder((message) => {
// We know that anvil has started up when it prints this message.
if (message.includes(`Listening on${anvilPort}`)) {
// TODO: We could expose a lot more options here. We could also extract this into a dedicated command builder.
const args = Object.entries({
"--port": `${anvilPort}`,
...(opts.forkUrl ? { "--fork-url": opts.forkUrl } : {}),
...(opts.forkBlockNumber ? { "--fork-block-number": `${opts.forkBlockNumber}` } : {}),
}).flatMap(([key, value]) => [key, value]);
const subprocess = execa("anvil", args, {
signal: controller.signal,
cleanup: true,
all: true,
// rome-ignore lint/style/noNonNullAssertion: we know that this is not null because we are passing `all: true` to execa.
// Assign the anvil instance that is returned from the promise.
const instance = new this(subprocess, controller, recorder, opts);
return promise;
subprocess: ExecaChildProcess,
controller: AbortController,
recorder: LogRecorder,
options: AnvilOptions,
) {
this.process = subprocess;
this.controller = controller;
this.recorder = recorder;
this.options = options;
public async exit(reason?: string) {
try {
await this.process;
} catch {}
public logs() {
return this.recorder.flush();
} It's not perfect, but it gets the job done. |
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@tmm @jxom I refined this further. It works reliably now for my case but there's a small catch... Want to have this? Happy to open a PR :-) |
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There's a PR for this now here: I changed the approach quite a bit again ... That PR is adding an anvil instance manager inside a proxy that spawns per-test anvil instances "just in time" and forwards all requests to them. |
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Currently, the entire test suite runs sequentially because of the stateful rpc node dependency. One way to solve that would be to spawn an fork node for every process dynamically (so from within the test). Another way could be to split the test runner into two vitest configs where one runs in parallel (unit tests) and one runs sequentially (anything that needs to talk to anvil).
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