All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.0.33 (2023-11-18)
- header.jsx: add z-index to nav element (fbe40d5), closes #115
- intro card: hide plant corner detail on mobile (1044c8d)
- recipe difficulty card: hide card when no data available (ed6c084)
- search page: layout fixes (3a3138a)
- search.jsx: move colored balls code above heading for proper stacking order (1873016), closes #115
- search.jsx: remove z-index from heading (9372547), closes #115
- tags: change tags link to properly format (a92259a)
- tips: pad control dots and round out avatar images (b5f2ea4)
0.0.32 (2023-11-13)
0.0.31 (2023-11-12)
- add .env.example file with VITE_TASTY_API_KEY and VITE_TASTY_API_URL variables (d80878c)
- add screenshot-home-dev.png to public directory (e389efd)
- main: suppress console logs in non-development environments (f329eb1)
- recipe details: add graphics to recipe details page (3158a3f)
- instructions.jsx: layout fix for mobile screens (b0d483e)
- recipedetails: add padding across top of recipe details page (7b0b1d9)
- tips: avoid overlapped text in tips section (6c8746a)
0.0.29 (2023-11-12)
- constants/index.js: reorder header & footer menu items (72fd3af)
0.0.30 (2023-11-12)
- assets: add art and picture components (51554a1)
- tags.jsx: add hover effect to recipe tag links (5b38dae)
- recipe-list.jsx: add replace prop to Navigate component to prevent history stack overflow (c4e8648)
0.0.27 (2023-11-10)
- search.jsx: enhance page heading and adjust layout for better user experience (25ff48a)
0.0.29 (2023-11-12)
- tags.jsx: add hover effect to recipe tag links (5b38dae)
- assets: add art and picture components (51554a1)
- constants/index.js: reorder header & footer menu items (72fd3af)
- add .env.example file with VITE_TASTY_API_KEY and VITE_TASTY_API_URL variables (d80878c)
- add screenshot-home-dev.png to public directory (e389efd)
- assets: add art and picture components (51554a1)
- main: suppress console logs in non-development environments (f329eb1)
- recipe-list.jsx: add replace prop to Navigate component to prevent history stack overflow (c4e8648)
0.0.27 (2023-11-10)
- search.jsx: enhance page heading and adjust layout for better user experience (25ff48a)
0.0.28 (2023-11-11)
search.jsx: enhance page heading and adjust layout for better user experience (25ff48a)
favorites.jsx: display confirmation modal on Clear Favorites button click (fffd05f)
0.0.27 (2023-11-11)
- favorites.jsx: display confirmation modal on Clear Favorites button click (fffd05f)
0.0.26 (2023-11-10)
- spa: add ScrollToTop function to scroll to top on route change (0375a27)
- list.json: add the feature of the day recipe to the list.json (edf754d)
- recipe-list.jsx: add null checks to prevent errors when recipes or tags are undefined (0bb52a2)
0.0.24 (2023-11-10)
- vite.config.js: add file extensions to resolve property to enhance module resolution (e146574)
- vite.config.js: add support for .jsx file extensions (4031e75)
- about.jsx: fix YumYumTeam heading responsiveness (b38bcf3)
- filters: correct the file name in the export statement from 'filters' to 'Filters.jsx' (152941b)
- recipe-list.jsx: change initial value of reduce function from object to array (d7de903)
0.0.23 (2023-11-08)
- about.jsx: add y3-shadow-md-inner class to About page (4d82459)
- global.css: create y3-shadow-md-inner class (7c67434)
0.0.22 (2023-11-08)
- about.jsx: removed white stroke around main heading & deleted deprecated comments (9453c1e)
0.0.21 (2023-11-08)
- avatar-henri.jpg: add image of Henri (35f9be5)
- constants/teamdata.js: add team member info for Henri (70ca20d)
- filters: create a tags filter component (cd39e40)
- recipe-list.jsx: add tag filtering functionality to recipe list (fdc6526)
- recipe-list.jsx: added filter component (65f98f0)
0.0.25 (2023-11-10)
- api: add new tips.js file to fetch tips from Tasty API (da69610)
- mirageserver: add tips.json and endpoint for tips in server.js (ad337dc)
- package.json, package-lock.json: add react-responsive-carousel package (713c339)
- recipe details: continue improving responsive layout (83e4357)
- recipes/api: add fetch-tips-by-id.js to fetch tips by recipe id (de66f72)
- tips.jsx: implement dynamic tips fetching and display in a carousel (a23fa0b)
- about.jsx: fix responsive spacing around team members at larger viewport widths (6b2c4ee)
- about.jsx: remove stroke from team member role heading (d50ab83)
- fetchrecipes: wrap localStorage.setItem in try/catch block (14330bc)
- matchsearchid: replace negative lookahead with capturing group (for Safari) (9a79455)
0.0.24 (2023-11-10)
- api: add new tips.js file to fetch tips from Tasty API (da69610)
- mirageserver: add tips.json and endpoint for tips in server.js (ad337dc)
- package.json, package-lock.json: add react-responsive-carousel package (713c339)
- recipe details: continue improving responsive layout (83e4357)
- recipes/api: add fetch-tips-by-id.js to fetch tips by recipe id (de66f72)
- tips.jsx: implement dynamic tips fetching and display in a carousel (a23fa0b)
- about.jsx: fix responsive spacing around team members at larger viewport widths (6b2c4ee)
- about.jsx: remove stroke from team member role heading (d50ab83)
- fetchrecipes: wrap localStorage.setItem in try/catch block (14330bc)
- matchsearchid: replace negative lookahead with capturing group (for Safari) (9a79455)
0.0.23 (2023-11-10)
- api: add new tips.js file to fetch tips from Tasty API (da69610)
- mirageserver: add tips.json and endpoint for tips in server.js (ad337dc)
- package.json, package-lock.json: add react-responsive-carousel package (713c339)
- recipe details: continue improving responsive layout (83e4357)
- recipes/api: add fetch-tips-by-id.js to fetch tips by recipe id (de66f72)
- tips.jsx: implement dynamic tips fetching and display in a carousel (a23fa0b)
- about.jsx: fix responsive spacing around team members at larger viewport widths (6b2c4ee)
- about.jsx: remove stroke from team member role heading (d50ab83)
- fetchrecipes: wrap localStorage.setItem in try/catch block (14330bc)
- matchsearchid: replace negative lookahead with capturing group (for Safari) (9a79455)
0.0.22 (2023-11-10)
- about.jsx: add y3-shadow-md-inner class to About page (4d82459)
- api: add new tips.js file to fetch tips from Tasty API (da69610)
- global.css: create y3-shadow-md-inner class (7c67434)
- mirageserver: add tips.json and endpoint for tips in server.js (ad337dc)
- package.json, package-lock.json: add react-responsive-carousel package (713c339)
- recipe details: continue improving responsive layout (83e4357)
- recipes/api: add fetch-tips-by-id.js to fetch tips by recipe id (de66f72)
- tips.jsx: implement dynamic tips fetching and display in a carousel (a23fa0b)
- about.jsx: fix responsive spacing around team members at larger viewport widths (6b2c4ee)
- about.jsx: remove stroke from team member role heading (d50ab83)
- about.jsx: fix YumYumTeam heading responsiveness (b38bcf3)
- fetchrecipes: wrap localStorage.setItem in try/catch block (14330bc)
- matchsearchid: replace negative lookahead with capturing group (for Safari) (9a79455)
0.0.21 (2023-11-10)
- api: add new tips.js file to fetch tips from Tasty API (da69610)
- mirageserver: add tips.json and endpoint for tips in server.js (ad337dc)
- package.json, package-lock.json: add react-responsive-carousel package (713c339)
- recipe details: continue improving responsive layout (83e4357)
- recipes/api: add fetch-tips-by-id.js to fetch tips by recipe id (de66f72)
- tips.jsx: implement dynamic tips fetching and display in a carousel (a23fa0b)
- about.jsx: fix responsive spacing around team members at larger viewport widths (6b2c4ee)
- about.jsx: remove stroke from team member role heading (d50ab83)
- about.jsx: fix YumYumTeam heading responsiveness (b38bcf3)
- about.jsx: removed white stroke around main heading & deleted deprecated comments (9453c1e)
- fetchrecipes: wrap localStorage.setItem in try/catch block (14330bc)
- matchsearchid: replace negative lookahead with capturing group (for Safari) (9a79455)
0.0.20 (2023-11-08)
- about.jsx: add float clears (b84ae15)
0.0.19 (2023-11-07)
- about.jsx: add new styling to About page (80ee2fd)
- assets/about/*.png: add new images for About page (0456718)
- constants/teamdata.js: modify team data info (cecdd74)
- feature-of-day.jsx: replace FeatureRecipe with FeatureChickenRecipe, add navigation to recipe (093bbff)
- notfoundpage: not Found Page added,user is redirect to the 404 when there are not any recipe (2a8dd3b)
- recipe details: continue improving Difficulty Card and Overall Layout (b57d65b)
- recipe-list.jsx: replace static loading text with LoadingState component (ec31982)
- search.jsx: add FeatureOfTheDay component and colorful balls to the search page (4cdaec4)
- tailwind.config.js: add GreenBall asset to tailwind configuration (3b93d08)
- goblal css: text stroke reduce to 1px, and top recipe text in h4 fix (554a242)
- notfoundpage: branch Update with the dev branch (72cc649)
- notfoundpage: not Found Page layout fix (7924e0c)
0.0.18 (2023-11-06)
- add nutrition section: merge in nutrition section from Tim's branch (3c487c2)
- avatar-joseph.webp: add avatar image of Joseph (fd69ca0)
- avatar-tim.jpg: add avatar image of Tim (5bfaada)
- constants/index.js: import team data from module (21d5b76)
- recipe detail page: improve layout of recipe detail page on large screens and refactor (bf0087b)
- server.js: add get-more-info endpoint to config (06f8508)
- teamdata.js: create team data module to be imported into constants (e8ab2c4)
- ingredientsections: make two-column layout only on tablet+ (673f49e)
- mirage server: make recipe detail lookup dynamic (cdd89cd)
0.0.16 (2023-11-05)
- avatar-darrick.jpg: add avatar image file for Darrick (3f1d61b)
- avatar-grey.jpg: add avatar image file for Grey (ef4e8af)
- constants/index.js: add avatar images & info for Darrick & Grey (3a249b2)
- about.jsx: modified avatar image size (1fb2c77)
0.0.17 (2023-11-05)
- recipedetails.jsx: add check for cachedRecipesList length before attempting to find recipe (b999145)
- recipedetails.jsx: add check for empty nutrition object to display a message none is available (36dab3c)
- recipedetails.jsx: add NutritionSection component to display nutrition information (1cc28db)
- recipes.js: add fetchRecipeDetails function to retrieve specific recipe details (6ef6c1c)
- usepagetitle hook: implement usePageTitle hook in About, Favorites, Home, & Search pages (71b699d)
- usepagetitle.js: create custom hook to update page titles (f80de7d)
- fetch-recipe-by-id.js: corrected fetchRecipeById API call (f089256)
- global.css: increase heading brightness (01dd2bf)
0.0.14 (2023-11-03)
- app.jsx: add Favorites page route (a822968)
- constants/index.js: add Favorites object to navLinks (7203564)
- favorites.jsx: add Favorites page (5cb1a6a)
- recipedetails.jsx: add Favorites feature to the recipe details page (c082b55)
0.0.16 (2023-11-05)
- recipedetails.jsx: add check for cachedRecipesList length before attempting to find recipe (b999145)
- recipedetails.jsx: add check for empty nutrition object to display a message none is available (36dab3c)
- recipedetails.jsx: add NutritionSection component to display nutrition information (1cc28db)
- recipes.js: add fetchRecipeDetails function to retrieve specific recipe details (6ef6c1c)
- usepagetitle hook: implement usePageTitle hook in About, Favorites, Home, & Search pages (71b699d)
- usepagetitle.js: create custom hook to update page titles (f80de7d)
- avatar-darrick.jpg: add avatar image file for Darrick (3f1d61b)
- avatar-grey.jpg: add avatar image file for Grey (ef4e8af)
- constants/index.js: add avatar images & info for Darrick & Grey (3a249b2)
- fetch-recipe-by-id.js: corrected fetchRecipeById API call (f089256)
- global.css: increase heading brightness (01dd2bf)
- about.jsx: modified avatar image size (1fb2c77)
0.0.14 (2023-11-03)
- app.jsx: add Favorites page route (a822968)
- constants/index.js: add Favorites object to navLinks (7203564)
- favorites.jsx: add Favorites page (5cb1a6a)
- recipedetails.jsx: add Favorites feature to the recipe details page (c082b55)
0.0.15 (2023-11-03)
- favicon and site bg gradient: add favicon and site background gradient (7989dd5)
- global.css: add .text-stroke class to provide text outline styling (d8e67ba), closes #333
- global.css: add smaller variants for text-shadow and text-stroke classes (a8236ef)
- heading.jsx: add text shadow and text stroke styling to the headings (6271b3a)
- recipe details page: add & style recipe title, desc., tags, topics, ingredients, video, etc (1f61402)
- recipe details page: add instructions (e4b64f5)
- recipedetails.jsx: improve responsive tablet layout for Recipe Details page (1708c03)
- recipedetails: add more cards, activate jumplinks, continue improving layout (d3dd734)
- global css: fix for overly thick stroke on small headings on mobile and tablet (4374bbd)
- global.css: add missing closing bracket (0fb455d)
- header.jsx: improve styling of mobile menu (82606c1)
- merge in code from dev (f7c3437)
- recipedetails.jsx: hide debug messages (0c7d3a3)
- svgwave.jsx: adjust viewBox attribute in SVG to correct aspect ratio (6b770e8)
0.0.14 (2023-11-03)
- app.jsx: add Favorites page route (a822968)
- constants/index.js: add Favorites object to navLinks (7203564)
- favicon and site bg gradient: add favicon and site background gradient (7989dd5)
- favorites.jsx: add Favorites page (5cb1a6a)
- global.css: add .text-stroke class to provide text outline styling (d8e67ba), closes #333
- global.css: add smaller variants for text-shadow and text-stroke classes (a8236ef)
- heading.jsx: add text shadow and text stroke styling to the headings (6271b3a)
- recipe details page: add & style recipe title, desc., tags, topics, ingredients, video, etc (1f61402)
- recipe details page: add instructions (e4b64f5)
- recipedetails.jsx: add Favorites feature to the recipe details page (c082b55)
- recipedetails.jsx: improve responsive tablet layout for Recipe Details page (1708c03)
- recipedetails: add more cards, activate jumplinks, continue improving layout (d3dd734)
- global css: fix for overly thick stroke on small headings on mobile and tablet (4374bbd)
- global.css: add missing closing bracket (0fb455d)
- header.jsx: improve styling of mobile menu (82606c1)
- merge in code from dev (f7c3437)
- recipedetails.jsx: hide debug messages (0c7d3a3)
- svgwave.jsx: adjust viewBox attribute in SVG to correct aspect ratio (6b770e8)
0.0.13 (2023-11-01)
- assets/index.js: add FeatureRecipe to exported assets (fe6db35)
- assets: add new FeatureRecipe image and export it in index.js (5ecb49c)
- assets: add new Sweet Peppers brand assets in PNG, PSD, and WEBP formats (5ac6469)
- jsconfig.json: add path alias for assets directory (634f3c4)
- search.jsx: add drag prevention for Yumi character and redesign page layout (ad09212)
- search.jsx: redesign search page layout and add new SVG component (527299f)
- tailwind.config.js: add gradient-Search to tailwind configuration (d30805f)
- top recipes section: recipe Link card added with links to some recipes (9663103)
- about.jsx: add tailwind color fill class to SvgWave components (83d272f)
- Add missing closing parenthesis and semicolon (bfd22d2)
- assets/index.js: orrect import path for FeatureRecipe and removed unused sweet-peppers assets (85ffaa8)
- home page: tune home page responsive styles (300f35a)
- svgwave.jsx: add fallback color to SVG fill property (f51a5e7), closes #FFC945
- top recipe cards: ensure font size is small enough to fit on two lines (6ab7fa2)
0.0.12 (2023-11-01)
- assets/index.js: add FeatureRecipe to exported assets (fe6db35)
- assets: add new FeatureRecipe image and export it in index.js (5ecb49c)
- assets: add new Sweet Peppers brand assets in PNG, PSD, and WEBP formats (5ac6469)
- jsconfig.json: add path alias for assets directory (634f3c4)
- search.jsx: add drag prevention for Yumi character and redesign page layout (ad09212)
- search.jsx: redesign search page layout and add new SVG component (527299f)
- tailwind.config.js: add gradient-Search to tailwind configuration (d30805f)
- top recipes section: recipe Link card added with links to some recipes (9663103)
- about.jsx: add tailwind color fill class to SvgWave components (83d272f)
- Add missing closing parenthesis and semicolon (bfd22d2)
- assets/index.js: orrect import path for FeatureRecipe and removed unused sweet-peppers assets (85ffaa8)
- home page: tune home page responsive styles (300f35a)
- svgwave.jsx: add fallback color to SVG fill property (f51a5e7), closes #FFC945
- top recipe cards: ensure font size is small enough to fit on two lines (6ab7fa2)
0.0.11 (2023-10-31)
- about.jsx: y
- picture component & front page styling: add responsive picture component & tune front page (3f6ed49)
- about.jsx: fix wave image and general page responsiveness (f3ad0a1)
0.0.9 (2023-10-29)
- header.jsx: apply 'open' prop to Menu (cf07c5a)
0.0.10 (2023-10-30)
- about.jsx: added background color, wave image, read more button, and additional styling (8d2abbd)
0.0.9 (2023-10-30)
- header.jsx: apply 'open' prop to Menu (cf07c5a)
0.0.8 (2023-10-28)
- about.jsx: create starting layout of About page (e8604e9)
- assets: add three high def Yumi art assets in multiple sizes psd, png & webp (96dae79)
- constants/index.js: add array of team member objects (25e390d)
- header.jsx: add preliminary styling to desktop and mobile nav menu (9fbf7a3)
- homepage.png: add homepage image for About page (0663cdd)
- homepage: homePage, hero-section, Search-section and top recipes section added (4fef22b)
- recipe card: add link to detail page (49b7cd9)
- recipe detail page & dynamic mirage server: make the Mirage API dynamic & add recipe detail pg (965d78d)
- recipedetails: enable recipe details page to query the api when no cache is available (e9d7034)
- recipes/hooks: add useSessionStorage hook for managing sessionStorage (cdc6729)
- search Section and top recipes section added (08cd5c8)
- .husky/pre-commit: make pre-commit executable locally (30f5016)
- assets/index.js: change bananaLabel to BananaLabel (97bd3f4)
- bannaLabel import and Bellpeppers in components (8841794)
- heading.jsx: update Heading component to properly switch to correct hX level font size (f6e5d7f)
- heading.jsx: update Heading component to reflect proper font sizes for each hX level (3e9d077)
- index Assets banana and Bellpeppers name fix it (17eb366)
- test (ccb9308)
0.0.7 (2023-10-24)
- component: hero Section Added (a676553)
- global.css: added multiple text gradients classes for enhanced styling options (409efc0)
- hearosection.jsx: refactor to use Heading and Button components (9a1495e)
- hero Section Added (b0a45a1)
- icon component and dev route: implement custom icon set, component and page for icon selection (8666517)
- tailwind.config.js: add custom fluid text sizing classes for headings (f802c54)
- components page & minimal refactoring elsewhere: add icons to compoents page and refactor (b256bb1)
- component: tailwind Config file fix (92e7f97)
- plastic balls: plastic Balls added (ec707c9)
0.0.6 (2023-10-21)
- searchbox.jsx: when the mirage server is turned off, the data return is undefined bc of too many requests to tasty
- vite.config.js: the netlify git hooks fail
- app.jsx: add components page and components route (22d422d)
- button component: create Button component (a58491c)
- components.jsx: create Components page (f212844)
- featureoftheday.jsx: create a simple react component for the recipe results page (42b631b)
- global.css: add color gradients CSS variables (fa9e55a)
- global.css: add display & body font CSS variables (58e7ff3)
- global.css: update typography rules (2222fd6)
- heading component: create Heading component (aad2ce9)
- layout components & related: implement responsive styling (7bf833a)
- layout components: add fonts, logos & more responsive styling (a020a18)
- layout: add fonts, logos & more responsive styling (1e82c70)
- pages/index.js: import & export Components page (6e07377)
- public: add Vite logo SVG file (5ae88a0)
- recipes-search: created a Recipes page along with api calls and new components (fbc37a6)
- searchbox.jsx: add search functionality to recipe list (108d9fc)
- tailwind.config.js: add custom color gradients to tailwind theme (09de3de)
- tailwind.config.js: add custom scale property to tailwind theme (184929e)
- tailwind.config.js: add custom solid colors to Tailwind (da4b2be)
- package-lock.json: reinstalled node_modules and package-lock.json (21fd936)
- package.json: revert package to 0.0.4 patch number (5ae3d72)
- tailwind.config.js: fix font family typo (fb03682)
- vite.config.js: a bug has occured when netlify's building site (57e0fd4)
- vite.config.js: removed exlint as a plugin in vite.config.js (025b62e)
0.0.5 (2023-10-21)
- searchbox.jsx: when the mirage server is turned off, the data return is undefined bc of too many requests to tasty
- vite.config.js: the netlify git hooks fail
- app.jsx: add components page and components route (22d422d)
- button component: create Button component (a58491c)
- components.jsx: create Components page (f212844)
- featureoftheday.jsx: create a simple react component for the recipe results page (42b631b)
- global.css: add color gradients CSS variables (fa9e55a)
- global.css: add display & body font CSS variables (58e7ff3)
- global.css: update typography rules (2222fd6)
- heading component: create Heading component (aad2ce9)
- layout components & related: implement responsive styling (7bf833a)
- layout components: add fonts, logos & more responsive styling (a020a18)
- layout: add fonts, logos & more responsive styling (1e82c70)
- pages/index.js: import & export Components page (6e07377)
- public: add Vite logo SVG file (5ae88a0)
- recipes-search: created a Recipes page along with api calls and new components (fbc37a6)
- searchbox.jsx: add search functionality to recipe list (108d9fc)
- tailwind.config.js: add custom color gradients to tailwind theme (09de3de)
- tailwind.config.js: add custom scale property to tailwind theme (184929e)
- tailwind.config.js: add custom solid colors to Tailwind (da4b2be)
- package-lock.json: reinstalled node_modules and package-lock.json (21fd936)
- package.json: revert package to 0.0.4 patch number (5ae3d72)
- tailwind.config.js: fix font family typo (fb03682)
- vite.config.js: a bug has occured when netlify's building site (57e0fd4)
- vite.config.js: removed exlint as a plugin in vite.config.js (025b62e)
0.0.5 (2023-10-21)
- searchbox.jsx: when the mirage server is turned off, the data return is undefined bc of too many requests to tasty
- vite.config.js: the netlify git hooks fail
- app.jsx: add components page and components route (22d422d)
- button component: create Button component (a58491c)
- components.jsx: create Components page (f212844)
- featureoftheday.jsx: create a simple react component for the recipe results page (42b631b)
- global.css: add color gradients CSS variables (fa9e55a)
- global.css: add display & body font CSS variables (58e7ff3)
- global.css: update typography rules (2222fd6)
- heading component: create Heading component (aad2ce9)
- layout components & related: implement responsive styling (7bf833a)
- layout components: add fonts, logos & more responsive styling (a020a18)
- layout: add fonts, logos & more responsive styling (1e82c70)
- pages/index.js: import & export Components page (6e07377)
- public: add Vite logo SVG file (5ae88a0)
- recipes-search: created a Recipes page along with api calls and new components (fbc37a6)
- searchbox.jsx: add search functionality to recipe list (108d9fc)
- tailwind.config.js: add custom color gradients to tailwind theme (09de3de)
- tailwind.config.js: add custom scale property to tailwind theme (184929e)
- tailwind.config.js: add custom solid colors to Tailwind (da4b2be)
- package-lock.json: reinstalled node_modules and package-lock.json (21fd936)
- tailwind.config.js: fix font family typo (fb03682)
- vite.config.js: a bug has occured when netlify's building site (57e0fd4)
- vite.config.js: removed exlint as a plugin in vite.config.js (025b62e)
0.0.4 (2023-10-12)
- postcard.jsx: adds validation to the post (04c23b5)
- public: add necessary files for netlify (c986a0d)
0.0.3 (2023-10-12)
0.0.2 (2023-10-11)
0.0.1 (2023-10-11)
- add App.css, index.css, and main.jsx files (b556c13)
- add vite.svg, tailwind.config.js, and vite.config.js files (42df5fb)
- assets: add React logo SVG file (7b73330)
- meeting-voyage_kickoff.docx: add meeting-voyage_kickoff.docx (71a3ad1)
- playwright.yml: add Playwright Tests workflow (60fff2d)
- getting playwright workflow to work (dda0812)