- Visit https://github.com/telus/tds-community/issues/new/choose
- Create a Defect issue
- Add the component name and version
- Describe the defect
- Include reproduction steps and the percentage it occurs
- Are you able to develop a solution?
- Does this defect have a work around?
- Is this defect high impacting?
- Include any relevant screenshots
- Visit https://github.com/telus/tds-community/issues/new/choose
- Answer the problem statement As a __, I would like to ___, so that I can __
- Your proposed solution
- Include component name and version
- Are you willing and able to design / develop the improvement
- Does it have a work around?
- Do any similar components already exist?
- Which teams/applications do you think would use this improvement?
- Visit https://github.com/telus/tds-community/issues/new/choose
- Complete the problem statement As a __, I would like to ___, so that I can __
- Your ideal solution
- Are you willing and able to design a solution
- Are you willing and able to develop a solution
- Does it have a work around?
- Do any similar components already exist?
- Does this pattern exist already but isn’t a shared component? (include url and screenshot)
- Which teams/applications do you think would use this component?