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File metadata and controls

380 lines (240 loc) · 12.5 KB



Many have said that ActiveResource is not really “complete”. On the surface, this means that many standard ActiveRecord features are not implemented.

This makes the concept of swapping ActiveRecord for ActiveResource immensely difficult (and cludgy, hand-built, buggy etc etc)

Arguably, a “complete” ActiveResource would behave like ActiveRecord or, as the rdoc for ActiveResource states “very similarly to Active Record”.

Hyperactive Resource is an extension to ActiveResource::Base and goes a long way towards the goal of an ActiveResource that behaves like ActiveRecord. It will slowly be updated with all the standard features of ActiveRecord until (someday) it can be used almost interchangeably.

This code could indeed go directly into ActiveResource, but given some of the implementations that would put a dependancy between the two which may be resolved once Rails 3.0 comes out. It is expected that the common code (eg callbacks and validations) should be pulled out into a common mixin module, with AR and ARes both only overrriding those that are specific to their own ORM…

There’s nothing stopping this code from being integrated back into ARes in that fashion, but until then, this serves as an alternative that can be used, under the proviso that anyone using it realises that it’s still experimental and still under construction.


These are the features that have been added to HyRes.

Base functions

* update_attribute / update_attributes (actually exist now!)
* save! / update_attributes! / update_attribute! / create!
   (raises HyperactiveResource::ResourceNotSaved on failure)
* ModelName.count (still experimental) - with optional finder-args
   - override the default counter_path with your own (see example below)
* updated collection_path that allows suffix_options as well as
  prefix_options = allows us to generate Rails-style named routes
* no explosion for delete_all/destroy_all on a 404
* ActiveRecord-like attributes= (updates rather than replaces)
* ActiveRecord-like #load that doesn't #dup attributes (stores direct reference)
* reload that does a full clear/fetch to reload (also clears associations


* Hooks for before_validate, before_save
* Callback chaining a la ActiveRecord (still experimental - may have missed
  some, but you can definitely use "validate :my_validation_method")


* conditional finders eg 
  Widget.find(:all, :conditions => {:colour => 'blue'}, :limit => 5)
  Depends on your API accepting the above filter fields and returning
  something sensible. See "find" doco below for more info
* Dynamic finders: find_by_X, find_all_by_X, find_by_X, find_last_by_X
    (relies on your API accepting filter fields. See "find" doco below for more info)
* Dynamic finders take any number of arguments using _and_: find_by_X_and_Y_and_Z 
* Dynamic instantiators: find_or_create_by_X OR find_and_instantiate_by_X
    (also takes any number of args)
* Dynamic finders/instantiators take ! eg: find_or_create_by_X! will throw
    a ResourceNotValid if create fails
* no 404-explosion for collection-finders that don't return anything They
  just return nil (just like ActiveRecord). This includes finders for
  associations eg User.posts will return nil if the user hasn't any.


* Client side validations (validates_uniqueness_of is still experimental!)


* Awareness of associations between resources: belongs_to, has_many, has_one & columns
  * returns nil instead of MethodMissing
  * returns [] instead of MethodMissing
  * pat =; pat.gender_id = 1; pat.gender #Will return find the gender obj
* Resources can be associated with records
* Records can be associated with records
* Supports saving resources that :include other resources via:
  * Nested resource saving (creating a patient will create their associated addresses)
  * Mapping associations ([:gender].id will serialize as :gender_id)
* Can fetch associations even with a nested route by using the ":nested"
  option on the nested resource's class. This command automatically adds a
  prefix-path, and will pre-populate the parent's id when you do an
  association collection_fetch.

find and Your API

Find can be conditional (ie return only those resources that match your given set of conditions)… ion the proviso that your API actually does something sensible with any given set of filter_fields you pass in.

HyRes has been written with an assumption that your API will behave in a Rails-like manner (eg will accept :conditions, :limit, :offset etc), but it should not break if you use other filter-terms… though the “conditions” key is assumed in several functions.

It’s no longer necessary to pass in the extra “params” key - the finders now automatically add that. If you pass a specified “from” URL it will still fetch that.

It does mean you can pass arguments to your finder functions eg:

Widget.find(:all, :conditions => {:name => ‘wodget’}, :limit => 5, :offset => 10) Widget.first(:conditions => {:user_id => 42}) Widget.find_all_by_user_id(42, {:name => ‘wodget’})


* It will only accept conditions that are passed in as a hash (eg you can't
 use the SQL-syntax forms such as: {:conditions => ['NAME = ?, 'blah']}
 because (obviously) we're not using SQL...
* it's possible to still pass in :params => {:conditions => ...} (ie old
 code shouldn't break) but it's not essential anymore (too complicated).

Find-API : expected URL construction

HyRes conditional finders assume your API can consume a URL that contains params formatted in a Railsy way. The way that Rails constructs these URLs is not well advertised. It seems that Rails will take a hash such as: {:conditions => {:user_id => 1, :name => ‘wodget’}} and construct a URL that looks like: yourhost:3000/widgets.xml?conditions%5Bname%5D=wodget&conditions%5Buser_id%5D=1

Note the URL-encoding. It evaluates to: yourhost:3000/widgets.xml?conditions[name]=wodget&conditions[user_id]=1

If your API is also written in Rails, this will be converted back into a params hash that contains the original hash.

HyRes assumes that your API can consume parameters passed on the query string in the above format and will return a set of resources that match those parameters.

If you have a nested route for nested resources, you can use a prefix path

Dynamic finders: find__X

HyRes supports dynamic finders/initiators as per ActiveRecord eg :

find_all_by_name(<the_name>, opts)

is functionally equivalent to:

find(:all, opts.merge(:name => <the_name>))

You can pass in any number of arguments eg:

find_last_by_name_and_phone_and_email(the_name, the_phone, the_email)

Adding a bang on the end:

find_last_by_name_and_phone_and_email!(the_name, the_phone, the_email)

Will forcee it to raise an exception (ResourceNotFound) if there isn’t one to be found.

Dynamic instantiators: find__by_X

You can also create/instantiate using:

find_or_create_by_name(<the_name>, opts)

This will try to find the first resource matching the given attribute and options, and will create it (using the options) if it doesn’t exist)

If you end it in a bang:

find_or_create_by_name!(<the_name>, opts)

It will call create! instead of create and thus raise an exception if create fails.

By contrast using:

find_or_instantiate_by_name(<the_name>, opts)

will work the same way - but will call “new” instead of “create” - which allows you to do more to it before it is saved. Obviously new! is meaningless so a bang on the end does nothing.

count and Your API

There are several ways that HyRes.count can work with your API. The simplest would be to implement a count action on your remote API that returns a result including an attribute of “count”.

If your API is implemented in Rails, this would be the equivalent of doing:

def count
  @widgets = Widget.all(filters)
  respond_to do |format|
    format.xml  { render :xml => { :count => @widgets.count } }

Note the filters - if you want to pass conditions to your API, it’s a good idea to filter based on them.

Even if your API is not implemented in rails - as long as it responds appropriately to an action as per the above, count will “just work”.

If you don’t have the liberty of updating the remote API, and the API implements a different path, you can pass the counter_path as an argument, eg: Widget.count(:counter_path => ‘/widgets/my_counter_path.xml’)

Finally - if none of the above work for you - count will actually just pull out all the items that match your arguments… and count the length of the array.

Nested Resource routes and associations.

If your remote API has a nested route that matches Rails-standard nested-route naming conventions eg: ‘/users/:user_id/widgets.xml’ Your association ‘widget’ class will need to pass in the prefix-options when doing a collection-fetch (eg ‘@user.widgets’). Standard ARes also requires that you setup a prefix-path for the Widget class. Now, the ‘nested’ option will allow you to do both of these tasks automatically eg:

class User < HyRes

has_many :widgets

end class Widget < HyRes

belongs_to :user, :nested => true


will mean that: @user.widgets will call the URL: /users/<>/widgets.xml

At present this will only deal with one level of nesting… it will also blow away any pre-existing prefix-path… so use at your own peril ;)


1. Install the plugin via:

   cd path/to/rails_root/vendor/plugins
   git clone	git://

2. Create a HyperactiveResource where you would normally use ActiveResource
   and define the meta-data/associations that drive the dynamic magic:
   NOTE: don't use HyperactiveResource::Base... there isn't one (..yet)!

   class Address < HyperactiveResource = 'http://localhost:3001/'
     self.columns = [ :street_address, :city, :postcode, :phone, :email]
     self.counter_path = 'address_count.xml' # override default count path

     belongs_to :country
     belongs_to :state
     has_many :people

     validates_presence_of :postcode, :phone
     validates_uniqueness_of :email

3. Enjoy the magic

   Address.delete_all # should not raise a 404
   Address.count # returns 0

   bad_address =! # raises ActiveResource::RecordNotSaved

   Address.count # returns 0

   address = => '12345', :phone => '555 1234') # nil instead of method_missing
   address.country_id = 5  # Returns Country.find(5)!    # returns true # should return '555 1234'

   Address.count # returns 1
   Address.count(:conditions => {:phone => '555 9876'}) # returns 0

   bad_address = Address.create()
   bad_address.errors.full_messages.inspect # => "[\"Postcode can't be blank\", \"Phone can't be blank\"]"
   Address.count(:conditions => {:phone => '555 1234'}) # returns 1

   # note - the sort will only work if your API accepts "sort" on the query string
   l_addresses = Address.find_all_by_city('London', :sort => 'postcode')
   l_postcodes =
   p "London postcodes: #{}"

   # assuming you already have people set up in your remote API...
   number_ten = Address.find(:first, :conditions => {
     :street_address => "10 Downing street", :city => 'London'})
   number_ten.people.each {|person| p "Living at #10 is: #{}" }



0) Testing!

1) proper callbacks for before/after save/create/validate etc rather than

bodgied-up functions called directly in the code

2) MyModel.with_scope

3) find(:include => …)

4) attr_protected/attr_accessible

5) MyModel.calculate/average/minimum/maximum etc

6) reflections. There should be no reason why we can’t re-use

ActiveRecord-style reflections for our associations. They are not
SQL-specific. This will also allow a lot more code to automatically Just
Work (eg an ActiveRecord could use "has_many :through" a HyRes)

7) Split HyRes into Base and other grouped functions as per AR

8) default_scope (as per AR)

9) validates_associated (as per AR)

N) merge this stuff back into the real ActiveResource

Copyright and Authorship


Taryn East

Copyright © 2009

White Label Dating []

Based on Work Done by Medical Decision Logic

Original copyright: Copyright © 2008 Medical Decision Logic

Released under the MIT license (see attached file)