Releases: schollz/croc
20bf7dd bump 9.5.2
4a8c19b bump 9.5.2
a1a17ce bump 9.5.2
00c4d24 bump 9.5.2
073196c bump 9.5.2
635b362 tcp: send error on fail
53f35c1 fix ui when sending text
030ed2a Merge pull request #456 from abhi12299/filenamePrefix
c28d731 update deps
ef6683b add more tests
f6a75c8 Merge pull request #460 from iulius98/master
7c1a59c #431 fixed remote folder name for Windows
32a188f #431 Integrate GetFilesInfo function with the code
ce8fb79 #431 added file informations retrival functions to replace getPaths
1bd705d Merge pull request #459 from iulius98/master
1a635de #454 fixed local transfer
353ae0d add more information
9f66842 fix sending file with prefix "croc-stdin" renaming on receiver end
d96c98f bump 9.4.0
31db6a7 bump 9.4.0
a996f3c bump 9.4.0
4334c87 bump 9.4.0
2b1367a bump 9.4.0
add1650 bump 9.4.0
04f2dfa bump 9.4.0
060ce51 bump 9.4.0
78b6f2d update deps
d77c83c Merge pull request #419 from kallydev/patch
a34d29b Merge pull request #420 from jolheiser/const
914d0c9 Merge pull request #421 from jolheiser/wildcard
55cb35d Merge pull request #422 from BrandonIngalls/gh-405-config-defaults
860a75f Do not override defaults with empty values
e380c7b Add wildcard support
2381f26 Move to consts and "enum"
de454bb add host flag for relay
e19e06a update deps
6deafaa Merge pull request #412 from adworacz/sendMultifileDocs
ef3953a Clarify croc's ability to send multiple files/folder