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CoMarBoys maquintoch
I am an easy person who likes learning and sharing knowledge.
numekudi numekudi
end user / engineer. TS | Python | Rust


Dandelion Huang dandelion-huang
🦀 Rust Learner | ☕️ Coffee Lover | 🍰 Sweet Tooth | 🎞️ Film Photographer | 💐 🐏 🧘 🧗 🪇 🇹🇼

Fortune Electric Taipei, Taiwan

Abdhilahi R. Wabwire AbdhilahiRWabwire
Software Developer

Hyaena Technologies

•Muhumµƶå ₱ïuş• piusmwilson
IT Engineer• Problem Solver• Bibliophile•📚 • Keen on • { Systems Thinking | Software Project Management | Business Analysis & Process Improvements}•


takumin0423 takumin0423
Software Developer TypeScript/Remix(React Router)/Rust
Philip Tambè PhilipTamb
Software Engineer


arashagp arashagp
👋 Hi there, I'm Arash! I'm a Full-Stack Developer using JavaScript and TypeScript for my projects. I hope you like my work! also I work at @the-nexim


Bas basvandriel

@pixelsquare-nl Hulst

Thushan Damjith thushanda
🚀 UI/UX Designer & Java Developer 🎓 Undergraduate Student in HND Software Development 📍 Currently based in UAE, originally from Sri Lanka

United Arab Emirates

Drew Hester DH-LStudios

Labyrinth Studios Atlanta

Jakub Jarosz qba73
Security, Systems & Network Automation


Simon Holm simonholm
I'm tinkering with code and circuits. The woodland is my go-to retreat.


Eric D'Urso edurso
Computer Engineering @ UMich, Systems Engineer @ Wolverine Radar Co., Embedded Software @umrover

Wolverine Radar Company Ann Arbor, MI

半岛的蒟蒻bddjr bddjr
Hello world!

广东, China

Jusmine JusminCode
🍳 I'm cooking code with pizza. 🍕

@xtarsoft Thailand

zeng muhong Jasonhonghh

华中科技大学 china

Cbz cbaezp

Colorado, USA

John jbrhm
MRover Perception Lead

University of Michigan Computer Science Ann Arbor

Trelov Odracir trelovodracir
... I try to develop my projects so that they can be considered "solutions" (just like every developer would talk about their work, lol).

Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) Curitiba, Paraná - Brazil

Sourav Das souravcipher
Operations @Open-Source-Collective, maintainer @todogroup, formerly mentorship programs lead @OpenMined

Open Source Collective Milky way