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FreemanArthur FreemanArthur
A doctoral student in theoretical physics and research interests are particle physics
Christina Ertural QuantumChemist
Full-stack Quantum Chemist, PostDoc at @BAMresearch, autoplex ( dev, former LOBSTER ( dev. Berlin, Germany

Yuji Ikeda yuzie007
Computational material scientist🇯🇵🤝🇺🇦

Universität Stuttgart Stuttgart

pip7 Bu22Lightyr
Member of Xenon, the Memorial Board of Immortal Southferry & Amherst, Maplestory. 尖兵会员,冒险岛不朽的南港和彩虹村永久纪念委员会。
Michał Kossakowski CodingRadish
Interested in applied AI, physics and engineering!

DTU Compute / DTU Space Copenhagen, Denmark

Jarred C Lloyd jarredclloyd
Geologist interested in geochronology, geochemistry, tectonics, statistics, coding (Julia, R, VBA), and photography to name a few things.

University of Adelaide Australia

Daniel Camarena DanielCamarena
[computer ∪ stats] ∩ [math ∪ science]

Imarpe Callao, Perú

LUNASEA maki49
wind and waves swallowed the bustle

Peking University

Weishi Wang frankwswang
Electronic Structure ⊗ Quantum Simulation ⊗ Computational Physics

Dartmouth College

Qz Liu Lowerce
PhD student

Beijing, China

Nathan Chapman NonDairyNeutrino
High-Performance Computational Physics | M.S. Student | Physics Lecturer

Central Washington University Washington State

Peter Morgan m-pedro
CEO of Deep Learning Partnership

AI, Machine Learning, AGI London

Onri Jay Benally OJB-Quantum
Quantum Hardware Eng. Lead, Doctoral Researcher, NSF Graduate Research Fellow, Carpenter from Red Valley, AZ, USA (Diné).

Nano Magnetism & Quantum Spintronics Lab, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Yorktown Heights, NY

Fernando Miguel Hahne fmhahne
Theoretical physicist

Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz Brazil

Jhuomar Boskoll Barría Quintero Quantumquirk31
Lover of physics, technology and programming, with a touch of anime and comics. #Science #Technology #Physics #Programming #Astronomy #Anime #Comics

@hackatomik Panama City, Panama

Jaren Ashcraft Jashcraf
NASA Hubble Fellow, UCSB Ph.D., M.S. Optical Sciences, University of Arizona B.S. Optical Engineering, University of Rochester

Kamuela, HI

Huo Ruiqing GRCROWN
2015-now, Nankai University

Nankai University Tianjin, China

Felipe Silva ftorrresd
@ RWTH [Aachen]-IIIA/CERN and Amazonas State University

RWTH Aachen Aachen, Germany

Ivan Genik ivgnk
Senior Researcher, Laboratory of geopotential fields, Mining Institute. Associate Professor, Department of Geophysics, Perm State National Research University

Mining Institute Perm, Russia

Don Fabian Müller dfabianus
Modeling of bioprocesses, bioprocess control system design and system identification

Competence Center CHASE Vienna, Austria

Magic and A.I. 🔮


Alaa Bazayeed AlaaPh

RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau

Théo Duez Theozeud
PhD student at CNRS and École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées

CNRS Paris

Caltech Astrophysics undergraduate student
szajac sebkaz
Assistant Professor at Warsaw School of Economics. Researcher in Quantum Machine Learning, stream data analysis, ML, and deep learning.

SGH Warsaw School Of Economics Poland