Releases: nuxt-modules/apollo
Compatibility with Vue 2.6.6 and all updated dependencies
Fixed SSR issues and updated dependencies. Important notice:
Make sure to run most recent Nuxt and Vue (2.6.6) because that shipped SSR support for the vue-apollo
Updated to most recent version of vue-apollo and minor bugfixes
This release starts with compatibility for Nuxt v2 and includes several minor bugfixes and updates to the most recent version of vue-apollo
and other dependencies
Important note:
Due to an issue in vue-apollo the rc3
might break on SSR. Please use the version rc2
in the meantime as long there is no fix for it.
Fixed vue-apollo version
Currently there is WIP on vue-apollo
with breaking changes. This is a temporary release until the work is done
Bugfix release
Minor bugfix relase thanks for the contributions!
Updates of dependencies and cleanup
Thanks to #128 we got some bugfixing and updates of dependencies.
Bugfix release of missing cache
Bugfix of missing cache setting for each endpoint. Thanks @kieusonlam for your PR
Add possibility to extend options with path to config file
To fix most recent issues additionally to a simple object based setup you can now add a path to a config file to have full support to provide your own functions (which wasn't possible before this release)
// nuxt.config.js
default: '~/plugins/apollo-default-config.js'
// plugins/apollo-default-config.js
export default function(context){
return {
httpEndpoint: 'localhost:4000/graphql',
getAuth: () => 'Bearer my-static-api-token'
This is partly a breaking change. In case you passed a getAuth function as options you need to change your config to a plugin based config shown above.
Bugfix multi-client setup
Bugfix in case of multiple clients
Bugfix release
Evaluate correctly if getAuth
function is set in options