Bootstrap theme template
Not sure why unregister not working - It's working.
/todist projects to list all projects
support parsing text and adding label ids
/todoist today (get everything due today)
/todist week/7 (get everything due in next week)
/todist list (get everything due from a project/Inbox)
add Fork Me On Github Ribbon https://codepo8.github.io/css-fork-on-github-ribbon/
Create Help page
welcome message in slacktodoistdemo
Fill in copy (in progress)
Return nicer annotated responses
make favicon.ico
Configure Slack Button https://api.slack.com/docs/slack-button (in progress)
OAuth for Slack https://github.com/mjpearson/passport-slack (in progress)
Cleanup repo and make public
Hookup email capture or take out
Fill help page copy
Add list of help command gifs to signup success happyfacehtml (and to help page above)
Side-by-side animated gify of slack window and todoist window showing workflow
GIF Slack.com: /todo @buy dad b-day gift
GIF Todoist.com: inbox item of 'buy dad b-day gift' animation poping in
Create new todoist app and reissue keys to reset # of tokens