This file describes major design elements, and how to develop the application.
This project was a learning exercise for almost all of the technologies in use - better ideas welcome!
- src/ Source
| ./ Any modules that run in the renderer context (windows, primarily)
|+ main-process/ Any modules that run in the browser/main context (tray, entry point, window openers)
|+ css/ (actually sass in scss form)
- test/
| ./ Renderer tests
|+ e2e/ End to end tests
|+ main/ Main process tests
+ __snapshots__/ Expected results from/for React snapshot tests
+ resources/ Static assets (e.g. images)
+ support/ Support for testing or compilation
----------- Generated directories not in the repository
+ app/ Build output
+ dist/ Packaged versions
+ coverage/ Output from coverage instrumented test runs
Gulp orchestrates builds prior to running or testing.
Manually build with npm run build
, but the intended use is to just run gulp
which will automatically rebuild the app when changes are detected.
Clean with gulp clean:build
, or 'mrproper' clean with npm run clean
(electron-compile was trialled, but the runtime compilation was too slow and its 'magic' approach caused problems with electron-mocha and JSX)
To build binaries including an installer, use npm run pack
. From linux this will create Linux and macOS binaries, from Windows it will create Windows binaries.
To see what else you can do, try:
npm run
Code is formatted using prettier
, also see the .editorconfig
Code is linted with eslint ($ npm run lint
), and this is part of the default test suite.
$ npm test
Unit and integration tests use electron-mocha, and are themselves split into renderer and main tests. Run with:
$ npm run test:renderer
$ npm run test:main
End to end tests use plain mocha and spectron.
$ npm run test:e2e
Code coverage is collected and reported via coveralls. This includes end to end tests, for which there is a special istanbul instrumented build made by gulp.
The UI is developed in React. This could be considered overkill for such a simple application, but I wanted to learn React.
As it's an electron app, you can open the Chrome DevTools from any window - maximize and press CTRL+SHIFT+I
. The React plugin is installed.
To get the Chrome DevTools debugging interface at a convenient point, add a debugger;
statement in your test of choice, then:
$ npm run debugtest
$ npm run debugtestmain