Here is a transcription of the complete ordered list of 63 opcodes.
Most opcodes can be used for programming both Shbobo instruments (Shnth and Shtar), and they are shown with a white background on the opcodes palette.
The few ones that are only for the Shtar and not for the Shbobo, are shown with a red background on the opcode palette, and in this transcription that is represented with bold letters.
- wind: microphone
- finger: top finger fretted
- corp 2: antennae
- plank 2: all the frets' bits
- bar 4: barflex
- top: top knob
- bot: bottom knob
- heart: heart-shaped chambre
- bridge: bridge of the strings
- minor 4: lower buttons
- brass 4: brass marked frets
- major 4: upper buttons
- steel 4: steel marked frets
- horn 8: triangle waveform
- saw 8: sawtooth waveform
- toggle 8: trigger a flipflop
- togo 8: sequencer
- swoop 8: trigger a pyramid
- mount 8: slow triangle waveform
- smoke 8: random noise
- dust 8: random pulses
- fog 4: trigger triangular grains
- haze 4: trigger sawtooth grains
- swamp 4: trigger swoping grains
- string 4: trigger a pluckd string
- comb 4: input sound to the string
- zither 4: trigger a bunch strings
- wave 8: low pass filter
- water 4: trigger a cluster of waves
- salt 4: hi pass filter
- horse 4: variable duty sawtri
- slew 8: filter a signal with different up and down rates
- wheel 8: input numbers to bring the value up or down
- slave 8: count pulses by variable integer amount
- pulse 8: trigger a pulse and decay with variable height
- sauce 8: slow an input by a period
- salsa 8: selectively trigger an input
- melody 4: record and repeat melodies
- worm 4: rectify and hold an input, like an envelope generator
- scale 4: convert frets to exponential (musical) pitch
- ladder 4: traverse a list of 32 according to input
- press 4: compressor
- leak 4: leak DC from a sound
- reflect: waveshaper that reflects
- return: waveshaper that returns
- and: bitwise and of two signals
- xor: bitwise xor of two signals
- negwon: return negative one
- left: send sound out the left
- right: send sound out the right
- square: make an input into a square, compared against an optional other
- modo: multiply without scaling
- srate: change the sample rate!
- mul: multiply scaling
- add: add a lizst
- tar: tarbutton
- bend: bend through the fish soup
- jump: trigger a jump to another soup
- pan: send sound out spatialized
- short: sixteen bit precision number
- dirac: default, execute using negative numbers
- arab: esoteric, execute using no negatives
- lights: put an input to the LEDs
- Description: Transmits the value received by the onboard microphone.
- Syntax:
[wind] mul add
- Arguments: mul add
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: Top finger fretted. Only for SHTAR.
- Syntax: TODO
- Arguments: TODO
- Description: transmits the value of the specified antenna, range is -128 to 127.
- Syntax:
[corp] mul add
- Parameters: mul add
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: all the frets' bits. Only for SHTAR.
- Syntax: TODO
- Arguments: TODO
- Description: transmits the value of the specified barre. Typical response is an s-curve (press and release) between -128 to 127.
- Syntax:
[bar] mul add
- Arguments:
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: top knob. Only for SHTAR.
- Syntax: TODO
- Arguments: TODO
- Description: bottom knob. Only for SHTAR.
- Syntax: TODO
- Arguments: TODO
- Description: heart-shaped chambre. Only for SHTAR.
- Syntax: TODO
- Arguments: TODO
- Description: bridge of the strings. Only for SHTAR.
- Syntax: TODO
- Arguments: TODO
- Description: transmits the value of the bottom buttons (0 or 1).
- Syntax:
[minor] mul add
- Parameters: mul add
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: brass marked frets. Only for SHTAR.
- Syntax: TODO
- Arguments: TODO
- Description: transmits the value of the top buttons (0 or 1)
- Syntax: [major] mul add
- Parameters: mul add
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: steel marked frets. Only for SHTAR.
- Syntax: TODO
- Arguments: TODO
- Description: a triangle oscillator
- Syntax: [horn] nume deno mul add
- Arguments: nume deno mul add
- nume: sets the rate at which the oscillator rises and falls
- deno: sets the oscillator’s boundaries (height/depth)
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: a sawtooth oscillator (instantaneous rise)
- Syntax: [saw] nume deno mul add
- Arguments: nume deno mul add
- nume: sets the rate at which the oscillator falls
- deno: sets the oscillator’s boundaries (height/depth)
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: turns things on and off
- Syntax: [toggle] square
- Arguments: square
- square: switches the toggle from on to off
- Description: steps through a sequence of values, advancing one step each time it receives a trigger. takes an unlimited list
- Syntax: [togo a] signotrig liszt
- Arguments: signotrig liszt
- signotrig: a signed trigger - positive moves one step forward in the sequence, negative moves one step back. in dirac mode it may be necessary to use [square] before some trigger sources
- liszt: the sequence of values or S-expressions to be stepped through
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: a slow triangle wave, can be used as envelope or LFO
- Syntax: [swoop] trig nume deno mul add
- Arguments: trig nume deno mul add
- trig/square: begins a swoop cycle
- nume: sets the rate of rise and fall of the swoop
- deno: sets the swoop’s boundaries (height or depth)
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: a slow-cycling LFO
- Syntax: [mount] nume deno mul add
- Arguments: nume deno mul add
- nume: sets the rate of rise and fall
- deno: sets the boundaries
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: generates white smoke (random values)
- Syntax: [smoke] mul add
- Arguments: mul add
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: pulses spaced randomly over a wide range
- Syntax: [dust] speed mul add
- Arguments: speed mul add
- speed: sets the density of pulses
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: granular synthesis-type effect, utilizing an internal oscillator and envelope to articulate the grains. fog uses horn grains.
- Syntax: [fog] trig nume deno nume deno mul add
- Arguments: trig nume deno nume deno mul add
- trig: trigger the playing of grains
- nume: sets the rate of rise/fall of the internal envelope
- deno: sets the boundaries (height/depth) of the internal envelope
- nume: sets the rise/fall of the internal oscillator
- deno: sets the boundaries (heigh/depth) of the internal oscillator
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: granular synthesis-type effect, utilizing an internal oscillator and envelope to articulate the grains. haze uses saw grains
- Syntax: [haze] trig nume deno nume deno mul add
- Arguments: trig nume deno nume deno mul add
- trig: trigger the playing of grains
- nume: sets the rate of rise/fall of the internal envelope
- deno: sets the boundaries (height/depth) of the internal envelope
- nume: sets the rise/fall of the internal oscillator
- deno: sets the boundaries (heigh/depth) of the internal oscillator
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: granular synthesis-type effect, utilizing an internal oscillator and envelope to articulate the grains. uses animated grains
- Syntax: [swamp] trig nume deno nume deno mul add
- Arguments: trig nume deno nume deno mul add
- trig: trigger the playing of grains
- nume: sets the rate of rise/fall of the internal envelope
- deno: sets the boundaries (height/depth) of the internal envelope
- nume: sets the rise/fall of the internal oscillator
- deno: sets the boundaries (heigh/depth) of the internal oscillator
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: a stringlus-strong string synthesis algorithm
- Syntax: [string] trig nume deno feedback mul add
- Arguments: trig nume deno feedback mul add
- trig: the excitation source
- nume: numerator of delay period (set to 1 for lower pitch effects)
- deno: denominator of delay period (set higher for lower pitch effects)
- feedback: sets the feedback amount (set higher for more resonance)
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: a comb filter with variable delay time and feedback
- Syntax: [comb] inn nume deno feedback mul add
- Arguments: inn nume deno feedback mul add
- inn: the source to be delayed
- nume: numerator of delay period (set to 1 for lower pitch effects)
- deno: denominator of delay period (set higher for lower pitch effects)
- feedback: sets the feedback amount (set higher for more resonance)
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: stringlus-strong synthesis consisting of 4 plucks per instance
- Syntax: [string] trig nume deno feedback mul add
- Arguments: trig nume deno feedback mul add
- trig: the excitation source
- nume: numerator of delay period (set to 1 for lower pitch effects)
- deno: denominator of delay period (set higher for lower pitch effects)
- feedback: sets the feedback amount (set higher for more resonance)
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: variable resonance filter - wave is lopass
- Syntax: [wave ] inn q rate mul add
- Arguments: inn q rate mul add
- inn: the source to be filtered
- q: sets the filter resonance
- rate: sets the filter base frequency
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: a wash of resonant filter pings
- Syntax: [water ] trig q rate mul add
- Arguments: trig q rate mul add
- trig: the trigger source
- q: sets the filter resonance
- rate: sets the filter base frequency
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: variable resonance filters - salt is highpass
- Syntax: [salt ] inn q rate mul add
- Arguments: inn q rate mul add
- Description: an oscillator with independently settable rise and fall and upper/lower boundaries
- Syntax: [horse] nume nume deno deno mul add
- Arguments: nume nume deno deno mul add
- nume: sets the rate at which the oscillator rises
- deno: sets the rate at which the oscillator falls
- nume: sets the oscillator’s upper boundary (height)
- deno: sets the oscillator’s lower boundary (depth)
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: slows the movement from one value to the next; works bi-directionally
- Syntax: [slew] inn upp donn mul add
- Arguments: inn upp donn mul add
- inn: input the expression to be slewed
- upp: the slew rate for increasing values (lower number is slower)
- donn: the slew rate for decreasing values (lower number is slower)
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: accumulates values, often used to make bars, buttons and corps increment upwards and/or downwards
- Syntax: [wheel] up down mul add
- Arguments: up down mul add
- up: value to be positively incremented
- down: value to be negatively incremented
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: count pulses by variable integer amount
- Syntax: TODO
- Arguments: TODO
- Description: trigger a pulse and decay with variable height
- Syntax: TODO
- Arguments: TODO
- Description: slows things down by only evaluating expressions after waiting a specified delay period
- Syntax: [sauce] period inn mul add
- Arguments: period inn mul add
- period: sets the period to wait before evaluating each expression
- inn: the expression to be slowed down
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: a sample and hold
- Syntax: [salsa] trig inn mul add
- Arguments: trig inn mul add
- trig: triggers a sample
- inn: the source to be sampled
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: record and repeat melodies. Only for SHTAR.
- Syntax: TODO
- Arguments: TODO
- Description: rectify and hold an input, like an envelope generator. Only for SHTAR.
- Syntax: TODO
- Arguments: TODO
- Description: convert frets to exponential (musical) pitch. Only for SHTAR.
- Syntax: TODO
- Arguments: TODO
- Description: traverse a list of 32 according to input. Only for SHTAR.
- Syntax: TODO
- Arguments: TODO
- Description: a compressor
- Syntax: [press] inn att dec mul add
- Arguments: inn att dec mul add
- inn: the source to be compressed
- att: the attack of the compressor
- dec: the decay of the compressor
- thresh: the threshold above which the compressor kicks in
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: a noise gate
- Syntax: [leak] inn nume mul add
- Arguments: inn nume mul add
- inn: the source to be gated
- nume: the amount of noise gating to apply
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: part of a family of waveshapers; reflect - reflects input down at threshold
- Syntax: [reflect] inn oth mul add
- Arguments: inn oth mul add
- inn: input to be waveshaped
- oth: threshold / other value for logic function
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: part of a family of waveshapers; return- returns input to 0 at threshold;
- Syntax: [return] inn oth mul add
- Arguments: inn oth mul add
- inn: input to be waveshaped
- oth: threshold / other value for logic function
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: part of a family of waveshapers; and - bitwise and of two signals
- Syntax: [and] inn oth mul add
- Arguments: inn oth mul add
- inn: input to be waveshaped
- oth: threshold / other value for logic function
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: part of a family of waveshapers; xor - bitwise xor of two signals
- Syntax: [xor] inn oth mul add
- Arguments: inn oth mul add
- inn: input to be waveshaped
- oth: threshold / other value for logic function
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: use this expression for the value -1
- Syntax: (negwon)
- Arguments: TODO
- Description: sends the output to the left DAC
- Syntax: [left] liszt
- Arguments: liszt
- liszt: takes an unlimited list
- Description: sends the output to the right DAC
- Syntax: [right] liszt
- Arguments: liszt
- liszt: takes an unlimited list
- Description: a comparator which generates a squarewave if the input is greater than the other
- Syntax: [square] inn oth mul add
- Arguments: inn oth mul add
- inn: the input
- oth: the other input (reference)
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: a circuit-bending type effect whereby one input is mulitplied by another without scaling to keep it in range
- Syntax: [modo] inn oth mul add
- Arguments: inn oth mul add
- inn: the input
- oth: the other input
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: sets the sampling rate. this is a global variable
- Syntax: [srate] inn
- Arguments: inn
- inn: sets the sampling rate
- Description: multiplies values in the list
- Syntax: [mul] inn mul add
- Arguments: inn mul add
- inn: input to be mul’d
- mul: inn will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: adds values in the list. can be used to combine several s-expressions into one m-expression. it is infinitely reusable
- Syntax: [add] liszt
- Arguments: liszt
- liszt: takes an unlimited list
- Description: transmits the value of the tare button (0 or 1)
- Syntax: [tar] mul add
- Arguments: mul add
- mul: output will be multiplied by this value
- add: this value will be added to output
- Description: bend through the fish soup
- Syntax: TODO
- Arguments: TODO
- Description: if 0, stays put; otherwise jumps value situations, as demarcated by curly brackets {... }. value may be negative
- Syntax: [jump] value
- Arguments: value
trigger a jump to another soup
- Description: pans the output through the stereo field. In Dirac mode, -128 is full left and 127 is full right. In Arab mode 0 is full left and 255 is full right
- Syntax: [pan] inn place
- Arguments: inn place
- Description:
- inn: value to be panned
- place: position in the stereo field
- Description: describes a 16-bit precision number. Use bigg for coarser adjustments and smal for finer
- Syntax: [short] bigg smal
- Arguments: bigg smal
- bigg: coarser adjustment of value (msb)
- smal: finer adjustment of value (lsb)
- Description: default, execute using signed numbers, range from -128 to 127
- Syntax: TODO
- Arguments: liszt
- Description: esoteric, execute using unsigned numbers, range from 0 to 255
- Syntax: TODO
- Arguments: liszt
- Description: put an input to the LEDs. Used to address the 8 burgundy LEDs
- Syntax: TODO
- Arguments: inn
- inn: determines which LEDs are on/off