Release 24.2.1
527 commits
to main
since this release
Autogenerated for 24.2.1. Created for #371
What's Changed
- fix: Handle GQL error if no query provided by @JerrySentry in #291
- Add Self Hosted License Expiration Date to Config Resolver by @adrian-codecov in #283
- Auto activate owner when default org is updated or created by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #293
- fix(logging): referer -> referrer by @rfox-codecov in #250
- feat: Add report_type column to commit reports by @scott-codecov in #287
- feat: Trigger pull sync on pull_request.labeled webhook by @scott-codecov in #294
- Update shared version by @scott-codecov in #295
- feat: Start populating report_type column by @scott-codecov in #296
- Upgrade pytest-django by @scott-codecov in #298
- feat: Add component filtering for coverageFile type in GQL by @JerrySentry in #292
- chore: add .envrc to .gitignore by @joseph-sentry in #284
- feat: Update with components filer in impacted files by @RulaKhaled in #279
- fix: Fix flags filter by @RulaKhaled in #300
- fix: Attempt to fix flags sessions failing by @RulaKhaled in #301
- feat: Add admin trial start (#846) by @JerrySentry in #288
- fix: Report filtering by path pattern string (#internal_148) by @JerrySentry in #303
- chore: use risky migration helpers from shared instead by @matt-codecov in #286
- fix test that fails depending on run order by @giovanni-guidini in #306
- "fix": allow branch to be overridden in v4 upload endpoint by @matt-codecov in #305
- fix: update logout_view to redirect to dashboard_url by @joseph-sentry in #309
- Reduce db queries coming from health endpoint by @scott-codecov in #311
- feat: Bundle analysis upload endpoint by @scott-codecov in #299
- Always send to mkto by @trent-codecov in #313
- fix: stop returning 400 code when user installs github app by @joseph-sentry in #314
- feat: tokenless auth (part I) by @giovanni-guidini in #304
- feat: tokenless auth (part II) by @giovanni-guidini in #308
- feat: add resolver to expose private repos by @adrian-codecov in #317
- feat: Add service to load bundle analysis report by @scott-codecov in #310
- fix: allow self hosted admins to have parity with cloud admins for main by @JerrySentry in #316
- feat: Add graph token in v2 get repo config endpoint (#231) by @JerrySentry in #318
- feat: Add column for bundle analysis commentid by @scott-codecov in #320
- Add an isATSConfigured field to the repository GQL type by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #321
- feat: Add sentry spotlight (#297) by @JerrySentry in #322
- feat: expand message for gm marketplace customer when customer has previous plan by @adrian-codecov in #324
- [feat] Add primary language field to repository GQL by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #323
- feat: add fn to update stripe email address by @adrian-codecov in #326
- fix: filter deleted/private repos out of results to graphql queries by @matt-codecov in #307
- 957 add frp proxy by @adrian-codecov in #327
- feat: update RepositoryFlag name length to 1024 chars by @joseph-sentry in #302
- Improve logging for GHM plan changes by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #332
- feat: Add languages and bundle_analysis_enabled columns to repos by @JerrySentry in #333
- fix: update new columns to nullable by @JerrySentry in #334
- feat: Update and retrieve bundle_analysis_enabled field by @JerrySentry in #336
- Add last time synced for languages variable by @adrian-codecov in #337
- feat: Add bundle analysis comparisons by @JerrySentry in #330
- feat: Add fetching of repo languages in GQL by @JerrySentry in #338
- update shared version by @joseph-sentry in #331
- Make email address patch view by @adrian-codecov in #341
- feat: allow nulls in non-required params for BA upload endpoint by @JerrySentry in #342
- feat: GQL expose list of all git providers by @JerrySentry in #343
- feat: Add a coverage enabled column to repos by @JerrySentry in #340
- feat: GithubAppInstallation model by @giovanni-guidini in #346
- feat: sync providers change by @JerrySentry in #348
- fix: if upload moves commit to other branch, possibly update branch model head by @matt-codecov in #345
- Revert "fix: if upload moves commit to other branch, possibly update branch model head" by @adrian-codecov in #349
- chore: remove feature flag for tokenless by @giovanni-guidini in #328
- fix: Update org token to check if user is authenticated by @RulaKhaled in #351
- [feat] Allow search by term for flag comparisons by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #350
- chore(ci): add fossa workflow by @thomasrockhu-codecov in #344
- fix: fetch accurate branch head by @joseph-sentry in #352
- Update with unauthorized error for org token by @RulaKhaled in #353
- Remove
calls fromgraphs/
by @joseph-sentry in #354 - feat: Add bundle analysis report breakdown for a given commit by @JerrySentry in #339
- feat: use GithubAppInstallation in api by @giovanni-guidini in #347
- Revert "feat: use GithubAppInstallation in api (#347)" by @giovanni-guidini in #355
- fix: use timestamp of commit instead of updatestamp in get_or_update_branch_head by @joseph-sentry in #356
- Add test result ingestion in the API by @joseph-sentry in #218
- fix: add unique constraint on test model by @joseph-sentry in #357
- feat(gazebo-previews): update CORS header for API to allow our self-hosted previews by @rfox-codecov in #361
- fix: apply temp branch fix to all branches by @joseph-sentry in #364
- feat: add back uses invoice checkbox by @joseph-sentry in #366
- feat: add email to the stripe customer serializer by @adrian-codecov in #363
- fix: remove branch.refresh_from_db from branch serializer by @joseph-sentry in #368
- reactivate ghapp usage in api by @giovanni-guidini in #360
- update shared by @JerrySentry in #365
- feat: support force flag in empty upload endpoint: by @joseph-sentry in #362
- Release 24.2.1 by @codecov-releaser in #371
Full Changelog: self-hosted-23.12.4...self-hosted-24.2.1