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Ideavimrc #23

OhMyMndy opened this issue Apr 12, 2023 · 0 comments

Ideavimrc #23

OhMyMndy opened this issue Apr 12, 2023 · 0 comments


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""" Map leader to space ---------------------
let mapleader=" "

""" Plugins  --------------------------------
set quickscope
Plugin 'preservim/nerdtree'
"Plugin 'easymotion/vim-easymotion'
Plugin 'tpope/vim-surround'
Plugin 'tpope/vim-commentary'

set which-key
set notimeout
set sneak

"" -- Suggested options --
" Show a few lines of context around the cursor. Note that this makes the
" text scroll if you mouse-click near the start or end of the window.
set scrolloff=5

" Do incremental searching.
set incsearch

" Don't use Ex mode, use Q for formatting.
map Q gq

"" -- Map IDE actions to IdeaVim --
"" Map \r to the Reformat Code action
"map \r <Action>(ReformatCode)

"" Map <leader>d to start debug
"map <leader>d <Action>(Debug)

"" Map \b to toggle the breakpoint on the current line
"map \b <Action>(ToggleLineBreakpoint)

" Find more examples here:

" options and mappings that are supported by both Vim and IdeaVim
set nu
set relativenumber
set ignorecase
set smartcase
set incsearch
"set hlsearch

" Tab navigation
nnoremap <A-n> :tabnext<CR>
nnoremap <A-p> :tabprev<CR>

" Pane navigation
nnoremap <A-h> <C-w>h
nnoremap <A-l> <C-w>l
nnoremap <A-k> <C-w>k
nnoremap <A-j> <C-w>j

" Easy visual indentation
vnoremap < <gv
vnoremap > >gv

" Comment lines
map <leader>c <action>(CommentByLineComment)

" Open NERDTree (use q to exit)
map <leader>x :NERDTreeToggle<CR>

if has('ide')

  set showmode
  set showcmd
  set clipboard+=unnamed
  " mappings and options that exist only in IdeaVim
  map <leader>? <Action>(RecentFiles)
  map <leader><space> <Action>(Switcher)
  map <leader>sf <Action>(GotoFile)
  map <leader>sg <Action>(FindInPath)

  map <leader>b <Action>(Switcher)

  map gd <Action>(QuickTypeDefinition)
  map gD <Action>(GotoDeclaration)

  " Window splits
  map <leader>wv <Action>(SplitVertically)
  map <leader>ws <Action>(SplitHorizontally)
  map <leader>wu <Action>(Unsplit)
  map <leader>wm <Action>(MoveEditorToOppositeTabGroup)

  " Display options
  map <leader>dd <Action>(ToggleDistractionFreeMode)
  map <leader>dz <Action>(ToggleZenMode)
  map <leader>df <Action>(ToggleFullScreen)

 " Actions
  map <leader>am <Action>(ShowIntentionActions)
  map <leader>as <Action>(SearchEverywhere)

  " Close active tab
  map <leader>q <Action>(CloseContent)

  " Refactoring
  map <leader>rn <Action>(RenameElement)
  map <leader>rm <Action>(ExtractMethod)
  map <leader>rv <Action>(IntroduceVariable)
  map <leader>rf <Action>(IntroduceField)
  map <leader>rs <Action>(ChangeSignature)
  map <leader>rr <Action>(Refactorings.QuickListPopupAction)

  " Go to code
  nmap <leader>gd <Action>(GotoDeclaration)
  nmap <leader>gy <Action>(GotoTypeDeclaration)
  nmap <leader>gi <Action>(GotoImplementation)
  nmap <leader>gu <Action>(ShowUsages)
  nmap <leader>gt <Action>(GotoTest)
  nmap <leader>gf <Action>(Back)
  nmap <leader>gb <Action>(Forward)

  " Git windows
  map <leader>gc <Action>(CheckinProject)
  map <leader>gs <Action>(ActivateVersionControlToolWindow)
  map <leader>gb <Action>(Git.Branches)
  " Terminal
  map <leader>t :shell<CR>
  if &ide =~? 'intellij idea'
    if &ide =~? 'community'
      " some mappings and options for IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
    elseif &ide =~? 'ultimate'
      " some mappings and options for IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition
  elseif &ide =~? 'pycharm'
    " PyCharm specific mappings and option
  " some mappings for Vim/Neovim
  nnoremap <leader>sf <cmd>Telescope find_files<cr>

-- @see

-- recenter after moving up/down next/previous search result
map <C-d> <C-d>zz
map <C-u> <C-u>zz
map n nzzzv
map N Nzzzv

-- greatest remap ever
-- map "x", "<leader>p", [["_dP]])

-- next greatest remap ever : asbjornHaland
map <leader>y "+y
map <leader>Y "+Y

map <leader>d "_d

map <leader>f <Action>(ReformatCode)

map "n", "<C-k>", "<cmd>cnext<CR>zz")
map "n", "<C-j>", "<cmd>cprev<CR>zz")
map "n", "<leader>k", "<cmd>lnext<CR>zz")
map "n", "<leader>j", "<cmd>lprev<CR>zz")
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