You will find a bunch of useful programming terms that you must know.
It's a function declared without any named identifier to refer to it.
window.addEventListener("click", function () {
// This is An Anonymous Function
git: an open source, distributed version-control system
GitHub: a platform for hosting and collaborating on Git repositories
commit: a Git object, a snapshot of your entire repository compressed into a SHA
branch: a lightweight movable pointer to a commit
clone: a local version of a repository, including all commits and branches
remote: a common repository on GitHub that all team member use to exchange their changes
fork: a copy of a repository on GitHub owned by a different user
pull request: a place to compare and discuss the differences introduced on a branch with reviews, comments, integrated tests, and more
HEAD: representing your current working directory, the HEAD pointer can be moved to different branches, tags, or commits when using git checkout
push: to send committed changes to a remote repository
upstream: of a branch or a fork, the primary branch on the original repository is referred as "upstream"
fetch: to add changes from the remote repository to a local working branch without committing them
merge: to take changes from one branch (in the same repository or from a fork), and apply them into another
pull: to fetch changes and merge them